<p>How many of you received the paper app without even asking for it?</p>
<p>I was just wondering because I seem to have been the only top student at my school to have gotten it w/out requesting it, and there’s a lot of people ahead of me (I’m #11) </p>
<p>The only glaring difference between us really is that I’m URM. A sign from above, perhaps?</p>
<p>Oh yeah, same thing happened with Yale and Princeton.</p>
<p>Most colleges send a small brochure or something and ask if we want the prospectus and the application, like a request postcard. Harvard just assumes we want the stuff. A letter comes, and at the end, it says you will receive a prospectus and an application under separate cover, or something like that. It's not even an option if you want it or not.
Yeah, I did feel special (I still have the letter while I've thrown out 2 laundry baskets full of other colleges' stuff), but it really doesn't mean anything. They want to encourage students who might not apply because they think they won't get in, so that 1. they'll get more applicats, which makes Harvard look good 2. their acceptance rate will go down 3. if any of these lower-score kids get in, there will be a higher yield rate. My SAT scores were not high, and I got a letter.</p>