Weird Question!!! Please Help

<p>On my SAT report, it says I got 41 correct while missing 8 on the writing.
I also got a score of 8 in my essay.</p>

<p>How come I got a 610?</p>

<p>I ask that because in my PR book, a raw score of 39+ 2(Essay Score)= 55 which equates to approximately 660-720......</p>

<p>If I am completely wrong, forget about it, but I would really like to know why????</p>

<p>the grading changes each year. PR is just guessing.</p>

<p>yeah, but the ranges have always been pretty accurate..</p>

<p>i mean 610 is an extreme outlier in the range 660-720..............IDK</p>

<p>i was thinking that maybe they just did 39+ 1(Essay Score)= 47 which would be in the range 590-630.....MUCH MORE APPROPRIATE....</p>

<p>Wierd. I got 9 wrong in march and an 8 on the essay and got a 630...awful curve i guess, sorry.</p>

<p>The PR book is overly generous. A 39 combined with 8 an the essay is a 610-630 on most of the curves I've seen.</p>

<p>Nooo, the book has you grade the essay as one grader which gives you a scale of 1-6. The test then tells you to do raw score + 2(essay score of 1-6). So your's would be 39 + 2(4) which makes perfect sense for your score.</p>

<p>the scale for that would be 610-740 and for the (CB: The Practice Test) SAT preparation Booklet it would give you a 630.</p>

<p>nothing wrong with it</p>