Weird Question....Please read if your child auditioned for LIU Post

So, today my son received his notification from LIU Post. (Acceptance MT Yay! but beside the point).

Kind of stuck to the back of his envelope was another envelope addressed to

Ayla D.
In Tennessee

I don’t want to share more of the address but if this is your child or anyone knows her can you let me know. I will call the school tomorrow and let them know we have her letter but thought I would reach out here in case she or a parent were around.

My son searched on facebook and she wasn’t in their MT audition group and we couldn’t find her name on facebook.

Thanks in advance!

I think we found her. Kids are way better at internet stalking than me. We messaged her on Facebook!

Congrats on your son’s acceptance! I hope you still call the school. They should be aware of that mistake!

@Kristiern1 , wondering - my D also auditoned at Unifieds (Chicago) and today received the first communication asking her to send the f/u application materials (transcript, test scores, etc) since they had her “apply” at the audition and said they would reach out for the f/u. So did your S get that request earlier? Just wondering the process before he got the acceptance today?

Why don’t you look up the kid’s family’s phone number, based on the address?

@MTBackstagemom my son auditioned in Chicago but had already applied and been academically accepted prior to that so that may have sped things up.

Good job! I would still let the school know tomorrow so they can send her a formal notification.

We connected with her on Facebook. I will call the school tomorrow but we are going to forward envelope to her!

@Kristiern1 thank you so much for your quick response! That helps me to take a deep breath (again! :))

I just realized that you had found her before I posted… Anyways, big congratulations on the acceptance, and great job on finding and notifying the other person so quickly.