Weird situation with application tracking

<p>The website says that only one of my teacher recommendations has been turned in, but the other one, as well as the counselor rec/school form, haven't been. </p>

<p>However, I put all these items in the mail at exactly the same time... so I don't know what the problem is :/</p>

<p>I had the same problem with both my Princeton and WashU applications, but eventually, both schools got all my stuff.</p>

<p>Don’t worry. Same problem is happening with my stanford apps, but my counselor actually sent hers in a month before my teachers did. Kinda weird…</p>

<p>Princeton says they dont have my SAT scores, even though I sent them last month. lol.</p>

<p>no worries, you guys.
they are probably just going through a whole ton of mail right now, so even if everything is mailed at the same time, they have to go through and label and everything and file it, so it could get all jumbled up.</p>

<p>they said on the tracking system that they’d late you know at the end of jan. if anything was still missing, so don’t worry unless they contact you.
it’s just a lot of paper! :D</p>