I created a new CSS Profile application over the weekend and noticed two weird issues. First, I don’t see a section for parent’s financial information. Second, the wording for the questions under the Housing Information section is confusing. In the “Student Housing” section, the description reads, “Provide the following information about the student’s home.” but then the label next to the dropdown says, “Select the option that best describes your family’s housing situation”
Is anyone else seeing the same thing I’m seeing? 
Go back and check what you did when you set up this account. It looks like you have set it up for an independent student.
Thanks happymomof1. I’ll see if I can find that page/section…
Hmm… I double checked the CSS Profile and found nothing that indicated that I set it up for an independent student.
Also, the lack of customer support options for the CSS Profile is appalling.
@RisingSuns Did you accidentally click one of the boxes where it asks if you are homeless, an orphan or ward of the court?
Thanks to @Politipotamus and @happymomof1 for your replies. As it turns out, it was user error. I entered my birthdate in the field that asked for the student’s birthdate.
If anyone from The College Board is reading this… perhaps you should ask for confirmation or provide a visual cue when data for key fields – especially fields that affect what sections/screens are included – is outside the typical range of values? Just a suggestion…
@RisingSuns Hi: I take it then that you are the parent?
@Politipotamus @happymomof1 Thanks to you both for your replies. As it turns out… it was my error. I entered my birthdate in the field where the CSS Profile asked for the student’s birthdate.
If anyone from The College Board is reading this… perhaps you should ask for confirmation (or provide a visual cue) when key information – that drives what screens/sections are displayed – is outside the typical/normal range of values?
In the end however, it was my fault.
@Politipotamus @happymomof1 Thanks to you both for your replies. As it turns out… it was my error. I entered my birthdate in the field where the CSS Profile asked for the student’s birthdate.
If anyone from The College Board is reading this… perhaps you should ask for confirmation (or provide a visual cue) when key information – that drives what screens/sections are displayed – is outside the typical/normal range of values?
In the end however, it was my fault.