Welcome care package event?

<p>Just got a mail talking about how VT is selling this welcome package with food and stuff, as well as a fall finals survival package, college 101, move-in mug, and pizza card. Is anyone buying these or has anyone bought these? Do you guys think it's worth it..?</p>

<p>Lol no… </p>

<p>I was a Freshman two years ago and I remember getting that stuff. They mail you the “finals survival package” every semester and I never bought it. Even if you did want what they offered, you could probably find it all cheaper elsewhere. </p>

<p>Plus, during finals weeks there’s lots of free food given out. The library gives out grilled cheese sandwiches and cookies for free and some dinning halls offer free food as well. </p>

<p>But if you want to buy it, then by all means by it.</p>

<p>thanks for the advice:)</p>

<p>Its fun to get a package and it is convenient having it already put together and shippable for you. On the other hand, they are usually easily replicated other ways. It really comes down to personal choice and budget. Who doesn’t enjoy receiving a care package?</p>

<p>hi kayakmom-I’m just across the river from you…in SP</p>

<p>Toward the end of the second semester that my son was at VT, he sent an e-mail saying that it would nice to get a “finals package” … with no clue to what that was. When I inquired, he said his roommate’s mother sends a good box of cookies and nuts and slim jims. I bought one of those huge cookie platters from Costco, repackaged it so the cookies would stay intact as best they could, and mailed it priority mail. He and his roommates were thrilled about eating cookies into the wee morning hours. He said it was a nice comfort food and encouraging gesture during finals (and the roommates appreciated it too).</p>