Welcome to the new CC Forums!

What does “last visit” mean?

I see a group of posts that have a simple “last visit” above one… stuff that I didn’t visit.

In addition to sliding ALL MT schools into a folder/forum like all the other schools. I would love to see the colleges/universities to also go back to sliding behind their Alphabet letter. The scroll is a real problem for many, so being able to reduce scroll would be beneficial.


I am going to try posting for the first time - Safari on iPad.

Not a fan. I am spending a lot less time on the site, and not subjecting myself to the endless scrolling even on some threads I followed previously.

I don’t like having to go back to the forum index after each thread I do read (although there are some suggestions for other threads at the end).

On the index, when I do navigate to the Parent Cafe, Community forum, etc., all those circles with the avatars really bug me. I can’t figure out why these are necessary or helpful, and they just clutter up the page.


Also agree that the reply buttons are confusing, and the lack of post numbers is not helpful.


Do us a favor and lose the double screen for replies. It’s super annoying.


On my laptop, i was able to click hide preview and it went away. Now there is a link that says Show Preview.

Maybe see if you can find it on whatever device you are using. I am using a laptop.

It appears that 1) the experience is very different if you are on a phone/iPad and 2) this was not sufficiently tested on various platforms as many of these seem to be surprises.


I think this new format is going to reduce usage of the site, frankly. Time will tell.

Do we really need all the circles with first letter of name or avatar? They aren’t very useful.

Incentives make me feel like a lab rat. I just come on here to try to be helpful, and also sometimes vent myself.

Since so many things are still being worked on, I am going to try to check in next week and try not to judge yet.


I miss the page numbers. I think I used to have an idea/intuition of “how many pages back” a series of posts was, and I could locate it fairly quickly.

I’m not finding the infinite scroll very enjoyable on mobile.

The jump to post number X is clunky and/or not functioning well yet.

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@creekland, I can’t find any setting to change the order of posts. The time of the latest posts on this thread decreases from yesterday (at the top of the page) down to 25 min ago (at the bottom), but the very last post on the bottom is one @dfbdfb created 11 hours ago. And the one Thumper1 posted that was at the bottom of the list is back where it’s supposed to be. So I don’t know why posts appear out of order unless someone likes it. Could that send it back to the latest posts?

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Regarding post numbers…

They are subtly different here. The old version did not number the initial post (“post #0”). Replies started at “reply #1” for the first reply.

The current version gives the initial post “post #1” and the first reply “post #2”. So it ends up off by one from the old reply numbers.

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You can ask Sorin to change your email address for you.

I’ve tried out the site for a few days now. There are a few things I don’t like (I want the number of posts and date/time right at the top of a post, too many ads, thread title should stay at the top of the page, etc.) but the thing that bothers me the most is the endless scrolling. I REALLY miss pages, the scrolling freezes my computer if I go too fast plus makes it harder to keep track of previous posts.

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I’m finding that everything works well on my desktop but it’s a nightmare on my iPhone.

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This is first time I’m using on my phone. I saw the message I quoted earlier this morning on my iPad. Now, despite multiple posts after Austin, austinmshuri’s post is last on my screen, time stamped 5 hr ago, while the message right above it is time stamped 10 min ago. So apparently the same thing is happening to me as noted in the quoted text.

Also, after I just hit REPLY on my previous post, my screen jumped to top of thread. So that I didn’t have to endless scroll to bottom , I hit JUMP and put in the number of the last text (293). Instead it jumped to 272

@MaineLonghorn Thanks for the info on changing email addresses. Honestly, if it’s sending out the number of junk emails others attest to, I’m not sure I want to.

The trade off is if something important actually gets sent, I’ll miss it.

I’m going to wait and see if improvements come to the site first. I know if it were my first time on CC I wouldn’t be inclined to return. The slowness of the site is the biggest issue IMO, and I definitely worry about data usage.

I’m going to push back on that one.

As someone who likes to use a lot of formatting in my posts, I very much appreciate the live preview.

Of course, given that formatting is broken right now, there’s not much of a payoff to it. But if they ever get it fixed…


@dfbdfb Bold Italic :smiley: :crossed_fingers:

ETA: Ugh. It was working a few minutes ago in another thread.

Even the students won’t want to come here if using CC drains their batteries quickly.

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I use Brave on both phone and desktop. On phone doesn’t show any way to reply to messages that I can see, just a heart and link icon below messages. (Maybe I’m missing something).

But it doesn’t work at all on the desktop.

There is a reply arrow to the right. Something happened to the other one. I am doing it right now on my phone.