Welcome to the new CC Forums!

I feel like every day there is something new that is wonky. Today I have blue dots and numbers marking new posts for threads I’ve never opened and have no interest in (and aren’t in forums that I’m watching).

Are the “corrections” causing temporary issues to pop up?

I wish there was an easier way to quote like in the past. I know it is possible now by highlighting text but many people don’t utilize that or know it is there.

This morning, I was reading a long thread that had many new responses since yesterday. One person replied to another poster (i could tell as showed in the corner who she was replying to) and referenced something the other poster had previously said. Since it made no sense out of context, I tried scrolling back to find the post this person was replying to, but after going back at least 30 responses could not find it. So then I clicked on the person’s profile, thinking I could then just look at her previous activity to find the referenced post.

Apparently there is now a new setting whereby someone cAn make their profile private? This meant I could not see anything the poster had previously written, thereby making it impossible to find the post that was being referenced.

In fast moving threads, the lack of an easy to use quote feature, coupled by the inability to look at a poster’s previous activity, is going to make conversations very difficult to follow.

While there are some nice new features, these types of missing functions are making CC very user-unfriendly.

I have asked numerous times about why the “new responses” numbers on threads is so irregular - some threads I’ve read have it and others don’t. Not only that, but in the past threads with new, unread responses were bolded, but that feature is gone now too. I was asked to send screenshots to a moderator, which I took the time to do several days ago, but no response at all to me.

I have also asked and seen others ask, if there was a way to freeze the title of a thread and its location at the top of the screen. As soon as one opens a thread and scrolls downward it disappears. So it one steps away from their computer/phone then comes back, there is no way to see what thread they were reading w/o endless scrolling backward to the top of a thread. This is another function that disappeared with the new launch.

And still

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When someone is replying to a poster, and you see the icon in the upper right corner - you can click on that icon to display the post that’s being replied to.

I’m finding there are a lot of things you can do by clicking on things (and hovering your mouse over things, to get “hints”). However, a lot of that’s only useful if you’re using a device with a mouse.

Freezing the title is coming soon! We’re steadily working on issues every day. Thank you for your patience!

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I tried that and it didn’t work, which is why I then clicked on the poster’s profile. I don’t know of it is a glitch b/c the poster’s profile is set to private, but in this particular instance, it did not work, which is why I mentioned it. But thank you for responding and trying to help!

Thank you! That worked for me with both a mouse and tablet touchscreen.

One thing I have noticed is that it can be annoyingly temperamental about where you click. But I was able to get that to work and it is so very helpful.

Hovering over the icon worked for me. At least for the post you ( @4kids4us ) replied to. I’ve been on many message board in my time, I don’t know why this one seems so weird, but it does.

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All the clicking. Aren’t updates generally suppose to be more efficient? Clicking, clicking, clicking.

Is there some explanation to the “why” of all the badges. Couldn’t someone opt in or out of those with a pop up or something (one time thing that can be changed in settings/preferences). I mean I got an “Editor” badge today - simply for editing one of my posts!!! A badge for literally making a mistake!!!


I wonder if they just fixed this or if I overlooked it previously because I could not find it a few days ago. I clicked on a profile, then More, then Activity.

Yes, that is what I was trying to do but the poster whose reply I was trying to find had a “private” profile so you were unable to see any of that information for this particular person.

Edited to add, that I went in to my settings/preferences and I do not see an option for making my profile private.

How does one change their profile to private?

Ahhh… interesting. Wish I could use a “hmm” emoji right now.

You piqued my curiosity and I’m actively procrastinating this morning so I poked around a bit. I think the privacy setting is in Preferences / Interface and the checkbox for “Hide my public profile and presence features”. I took a quick look at a Discourse blog on this setting.

I just set my profile that way so if you have a minute to check it, let me know if my profile is now private. (then I’ll uncheck it) (smiley face) (lol) (face palm)

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you can also click the reply button under the scroll bar on the right

@DramaMama2021 Your user profile is coming up as hidden.

I ended up making mine private. I agree with the poster that said it was borderline creepy.

I’m going to go against that thought and I think they should take away that option.

I frequently will see what other threads and responses someone has had to figure out if they know what they are talking about. Also because if you have helpful info for me here, you probably also have given helpful info on other threads.

So I personally use that a lot. Not in a creepy way, I don’t really get that either because unless you share no one knows your real name or where you live or has a picture. I use it because it makes the site much more useful.

ETA I just clicked on someone’s name. I am doubling down on what I said. Lots of useful info, absolutely nothing that seems remotely personal.

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I wouldn’t mind that there is a list of past responses but all the other stuff, especially when you were last on the site, I feel is TMI.

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I guess I see that. Mostly I want to see past threads and responses. I guess knowing what threads you usually post to is helpful.

The rest is just crap I wlll skip over. I guess I find it weird, but there are only a dozen or so of you who know my real name, and those people already have too much insight into how I use CC!

I participate in a select number of threads, and when I come to this site, the first (and often only) thing I care about is whether there has been new activity on the threads I follow, and what the new activity is.

If you have a similar workflow, you can shortcut to that information by going to http://talk.qa.collegeconfidential.com/unread while logged in. (I simply have that pinned in my browser as my entry page for the site.)

Don’t know if this is helpful to anyone else, but having the URL beats clicking around to try to figure out how to replicate getting to that page.

The forums look completely different on my iPad today than they have over the last week. I had no idea how to navigate. After five minute I finally found a “desktop view” or something like that, that took me back to the virus look.

Is this some new “feature”?

Seems to me that New means you haven’t looked yet. And Latest is what you have looked at or scrolled through?

And if you respond to a New, the thread now appears under Latest. So backing up to that thread means changing categories.

I’m also seeing tracking show posts added, but when when I click, there are none.

And, on PMs I’ve received, they seem attached to a thread. “RE: xxx” These are not thread replies. They are separate PMs. Very confusing when you click your avatar and see a list.