Welcome to the new CC Forums!

I’m on an iPad and the right side of the screen is now cut off.i agree, it’s a pain to have to constantly move/scroll right/left as well as now up and down.

I no joke can’t do anything. Can’t find anything, can’t figure out how to go to the “next page”, have none of my bookmarks or messages. Right now, CC is completely useless for me. Also, if we all have so many questions as how to find what we need, then how is this easier to use?


Can someone explain the advertising? I didn’t get adverts on the old forum (if I was signed in). Now they are everywhere. I mainly use an iPad, not sure if that makes a difference.

The forums keep freezing and disconnecting, too.


I see the vertical scroll, but it goes off the bottom of my browser window (Firefox on a laptop). On this thread, it disappeared at post 18/24. After that I have to use my browser to scroll to the bottom. Not a problem with 24 posts, but as they get longer it won’t be easy.

Wow this is bad. I never complained thru the previous redesigns, but holy cow, I can’t find S. I’m not even sure I posted in the right place.


Hi! I’ve just gotten online and clicking around to see what’s new and as of now, I like the new update!

Here are some of the issues I’ve had so far:

  • Sometimes, the scroll bar doesn’t load and is stuck at 1/# on the mobile app
  • Replies were a little confusing at first
  • It doesn’t seem like it brings you to where you last left off (at least on mobile, seems to be working on the desktop browser)
  • It’s kinda annoying that all of the threads you’ve read in the past (I think) have been marked as unread now, but I don’t think it’s as big of an issue
  • Also I wish there was still a way to know if a thread was read/unread
  • It would be nice to label what the icons on the right of a topic are supposed to be representing
  • It would also be nice if there was a “during” filter for the advanced search options

The things I like:

  • The progress bar!! I love that you can use it to scroll quickly through the topic, though I preferred the post numbers for identifying posts because with multiple topics on the screen it can get confusing which post is which
  • The design overall looks nice, I think. It’s a little off right now but I’m sure I’ll get used to it soon enough.
  • There are a lot of new features I like, such as the way that the different categories are organized with the dropdown menus. It’s nice that you don’t have to go all the way back to the home to go to a different category or subcategory.
  • Definitely like the new post real-time preview but since it’s detached from the actual posts it feels off.
  • I saw that you could see when people are typing or posting and I thought that was a fun new feature.
  • The reply to individual people feature is nice as well.
  • Also the option to add images into posts!

I’m not sure what the “Posts” is filtering for the advanced search options and I’m not sure why someone would want to filter by how many views a post has.

Hope you guys had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday!

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The scrollbar is…clunky. That’s the word I’ll go with.

It’s pretty imprecise, and when you’re near but not at the bottom, there’s no way to just scroll down to the end—you have to scroll up some, and only then can you get down to the very end of the list.

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One more issue, and this is kind of a big one: If you click “reply” on a post, and then submit your reply, you get taken to your new post, but it’s at the bottom of the list.

Which, if you were replying to a post that was, I don’t know, 30 from the bottom means that to pick up where you were you have to spend a bunch of time scrolling up, trying to figure out where you left off.

Not cool.


Older replies are not numbered, so when I continue on an older thread (like parents of Class of 20XX), no older posts have a number, there is no designation of page numbers either. If I want to check a post from, say, last December, well, good luck with that - I have to scroll back, wait for the site to lad the next set of 20 posts, and so forth and so on.

All of my messages have been eliminated, as have been all of my drafts. All of my responses except for the actual posts (things like “Like”, “Agree”, etc) are gone as well.

It seems that every redesign makes it clunkier and less user friendly than the previous version!


Just an update on the reported issues. I have flagged them to the team and they’ve been added to the list. As mentioned in the original post, we want to first work on finishing the import (i.e. PMs, bookmarks, reactions, etc.) so we’ll prioritize that. There are also some other very important backend issues that the team is already working on.

We’ll try to also address the “smaller” things like the funkiness of the site, the styles, etc. and we’ll continue to update you on the progress.

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@MWolf, they have not been “eliminated.” Those have been pushed for after launch so not to further extend the read-only period. We’ll provide updates as we have them.

I see a heart which I thought meant “like” and a smiley face which I thought meant “agree”

Is that right? Why not just use the words to avoid confusion?


Ok it just took me a solid 5 minutes to figure out how to reply to this thread on mobile.

I appreciate all of the new, completely unnecessary features like badges and individual emoji reactions. I don’t appreciate that somehow the new design has made me scroll MORE and somehow has even more obnoxious white space.

I was going to give the new design a shot after I’ve basically disappeared but yikes. It’s somehow even worse than before.


It just took me ten minutes to try to figure out how to respond to @sushiritto’s post. I sat and sat and finally this box popped up 60 seconds or so after I had hit “reply”.

Just help us out here. Are we supposed to spend half a day doing some tutorial to figure this all out. Nothing works the way it did.

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Thank you!

What’s the difference in the drop down between “Latest” and “New”?

On a phone, ehen I click on this thread, it always takes me to the 17th post, instead of where I left off.

I would guess that I’m not alone in having zero interest or patience to watch a how to video. The site needs to be intuitive, so people can figure out how to do things without a tutorial.


The first four times I tried to post this…the ad was covering the “reply” button. When I went back, I was taken each time to post number one. And I had to scroll down to the bottom to see if anyone else had posted about my issues.

  1. It’s one thing to scroll 36 posts…but some threads have hundreds of posts. Either take me to the last post I read there (like in the past).


  1. Bring back the page numbers so I can just go to the end.

The scroll bar on the right side of my iPad does not really work. It’s partially off the screen. And I’ve tried both landscape and portrait mode.

It just doesn’t work well.


I am generally pretty adaptable to web page changes. This seems like a MESS to me. The most easy peasy thing should be to reply to the end of a thread - even that is not!

The ads are HORRID on my MacAir. Ads right in the middle of the thread posts - RIGHT ON TOP of them.

No page numbers is awful. I would like to be able to see who posted last in a thread. WHY the initial letters all in a row after a thread title. I have an “A” - no one will know it’s me by just an A!!! Is that suppose to be our avatar? If so how do we change it.

What is the point of as I’m typing this response the same response is right next to this text box???

I really hate to be negative but I find myself not wanting to spend more than 5-10 minutes here and I’m annoyed and want to walk away.


@abasket Ohhhhhh, so that’s what that is! I have the number 4 - it was in the top right side of the website and I could not figure out for the life of me what the number 4 signified! 4 new notifications? 4 earned things (WTH are those anyway?). Seeing your post I realize now that 4 is because my screen name starts with a 4. Thanks for unintentionally clearing that up for me!

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