Welcome to the new CC Forums!

OK…found the paths to where I need to go. They seem to work ona the pc. Now I need to figure out how to do it on my phone. The list of colleges has like Michigan State on the same line as Michigan…shouldn’t it be a line list to make it easier to find instead of hunting for it. Maybe numbers or bullets to give it some organization?

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I think it’ll be easy (to find favorite threads & forums) once the Bookmarks function is working again. A girl can dream?

I am anxious to be sent to the most recent post in a thread. So much scrolling and waiting for the page to load!

How does the “Suggested Topics” tab work? For some reason I’m getting recommended topics that have nothing to do with my activity on College Confidential. Is this unique for each person? Is it just random? Is there a way to select which topics we would like to see in Suggested Topics?


I’m also getting suggested topics that have nothing to do with any topics I normally visit.

Hi @4kids4us yeah, I’m definitely not an expert on Discourse forums, I just found it last night while tapping around on my iPhone and it fixed my scrolling, so I thought I’d mention it because a lot of people her are specifically having trouble with the scroll bar and the # functionality. The Desktop View toggle is not under your profile pic (your ‘4’). You’d have to tap on the three horizontal lines next to your ‘4’.

I guess I just want to know if this works for anyone besides me.

Oh. And I think this is tied up with the scrolling problem too. On this and the other Discourse forum I visit, threads with new post show a little light blue circle next to the thread title. The circle contains the number of new posts in the thread. I have found on the other forum I use that if there is only one new post, Discourse sometimes doesn’t remember that I’ve already read it and continues to display the light blue circle.

Gotcha-I must have misread. I clicked on those lines and now see that I am already in desktop view, which is what I thought. So still can’t follow the shortcut ccsorin suggested b/c I have no keyboard until I actually try to reply to someone. And at that point, the # key does not work as he/she suggests.

Anyway, thanks for trying to help.

@4kids4us, in my desktop view, the threads and discussions that have new comments are marked. Here are some screens:


Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 11.56.28 AM


Bummer. One more thing to check. It’s a toggle so if you’re in desktop view it says Mobile View, and vice versa.

(Ultimately the answer is for admins to solve the problem for both views of course. But in the meantime I had hoped it would help someone.)

Ok this honestly might be my last CC post because this is ridiculous.

I literally just came here to say that this seems to be the reason Jon was hell bent on cracking down on long threads. It wasn’t about moderation, it was because we moved to this abomination.

I have rheumatoid arthritis so the amount of scrolling I have to do on my phone makes this site literally impossible for me to use. It hurts my hand joints too much to keep scrolling.

This site has become grossly inaccessible to many people with physical disabilities.


On computer I am learning pretty quickly to find what I like. I just can’t read it because the font is too small. At least it’s bold but a tad larger would be better.

Desktop computer. On the main forum page, I see the turquoise number of new posts in a thread I’ve viewed if it is one of the most recent. (This thread) If I click on Parent Cafe, (or go directly there via a Google Chrome bookmark), there is no indication of new posts.

I see there is a photo box for replies. Are photos allowed now?

My actual question though, was if all the stuff that has yet to be imported will come back as it was, or will things be lost in translation. My bookmarks were what I actually came back to read most of the time, and I think it’s a mess to find threads without them.


For me, the new posts is inconsistent. Some threads show a number but other threads I’ve read do not have a number but when I open, there are clearly new posts.

I asked this above but did not get a response so I will try again. Is there a way to lock the menu bar at the top of the screen so that it stays there when you are scrolling? I was reading a thread, stepped away for a minute, came back and forgot which thread I was in - only way to tell was to do the endless scroll back to top of the page.

This is what I’m talking about. Well, I guess not - this leads me to my second question - I tried to attach a screenshot of the CC menu bar, but was given an error code saying media something or other not allowed. Tried several times to post a screenshot of CC but unsuccessful. So what types of photos are actually allowed or is this feature only available to moderators?

I agree: this seems to be inconsistent. At first I thought it was directly tied to the tracking status the user assigns to a thread (Watching, Tracking, Normal, Mute… in the drop down at the bottom of the thread). But the single small blue dot by the topic that I thought indicated new posts in a thread I am not following is not consistent… it shows on some but not all threads that do have new posts.

I have had this happen several times as well.

To be fair, I have a new “advanced tutorial” available since I was promoted to a new trust level. Maybe these issues will be answered when I have time to look at that?

It should not be this complicated. This update was not ready to launch.


I’ve noticed a few people wanting to reply to the topic instead of an individual post without having to scroll to the bottom. There is a way to do that, but it’s definitely not obvious.

On Desktop:

  • Scroll to the bottom and click Reply (harder on long threads)
  • Hit Shift-R on your keyboard

On Desktop or Mobile:

  1. Click Reply on any post
  2. Click the curved arrow in the upper left corner of the new window
  3. Choose Reply to Topic

I’ll post a screenshot on desktop shortly. It should work just as well on mobile.
Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 10.46.23 AM

Oh, by the way, hi everyone! I’m Mike and I’m here to help Jon and Sorin out with a few things during this migration. Thanks for all the feedback, we’re working hard to make it better!


So i have asked this question before, but will do so again. If I am in a thread, get to the bottom and want to go back to the Forum home page so I can navigate to somewhere else in the forum or my bookmarks - how do I do that?

Seems to me that there is missing navigation here. There should be some sort of navigation to elsewhere in the forum on every page.

Does anyone else use an adblocker?


To get back to the forum home page:

  • On Desktop or Tablet, you would click on “FORUMS” in the header bar.
  • On Phone, you would click the 3-line “hamburger” menu, then tap on “FORUMS”.