<p>I'm not asking for opinions right now, or your thoughts on the degree of how screwed I am, how your school grades things, I already know the course of action I will have to take at this point... this is just a rant thread. Of frustration and anger... </p>
<p>I got a C+ in Calculus BC... A C+ at 79.04. Our math department usually curves up to B- at 79.5. Actually, this is the first Calculus BC class our school has had in like 12 to 13 years... we've only had AB until now...<br>
Two questions on the final for this... out of sixty questions... missing two additional questions on the final... (plus other little, tidbit things I could have done better but, who'd want to go into that...?) Well... our class in BC is composed of two groups... the Seniors who took AB last year, and the Seniors who took Pre-Calc last year... I, not being much of a math person, took Pre-Calc last year and did decently well... I signed up for AB, and due to my decent grades (meaning I didn't get a C or lower) they put me in BC... </p>
<p>So... it's been a downhill struggle from there in the class... the AB kids, having taken the material the previous year, knew what to expect, while the pre-calc kids were basically ****ed... then again, AB had the entire last year to study what we had just covered in class this semester... So this class was basically, the most difficult class I have ever taken in my life... The AB kids, outscoring on the final... the final wasn't curved... the AB final was heavily curved...</p>
<p>and still, at the end, it boiled down to two questions on a ridiculously difficult multiple choice test...</p>
<p>I'm sure this isn't very coherent, but I am very frustrated.... Yes, I know this is life, I know that life isn't fair and all that jazz... I'm pretty sure I've said it more than enough in my 2000+ post career here... but still... I'm very mad... </p>
<p>Oh well... life goes on... (time to wait for that harsh letter from Yale...)</p>
<p>and I got A's and A+'s on all my other classes (including 3 other AP classes)</p>
<p>^ I think some of it depends on the teacher. My teacher has got to be the smartest man in a 100 mile radius (his IQ has got to be unquantifiable), and he wields his intelligence with an iron fist. Pop quizzes out the wazoo and free-response-only tests. Gah.</p>
<p>Don’t worry. Does yale even request mid-year grades for the ea kids? Even so- a c+ isn’t going to cause you any problems since your other grades are great. Frustrating but dont lose sleep over it.</p>
<p>It’s unlikely they’d rescind my acceptance… after research, and looking at old cases… It is just one C+ with all A’s and A+'s… people have been kept on for worse… but I’ll still write a long letter of personal explanation, maybe with my midyear report… </p>
<p>This is why I love the humanities much, much more… :(</p>
<p>I hear they tend to be very lenient with calculus BC grades. The sheer volume of “OMG I got a C in Calc BC!” posts on CC should show that it is a fairly common occurrence for people who usually get straight As.</p>
<p>Gryffon, I agree. Humanities are worlds better than math. I honestly wouldn’t worry too much. Your overall grades don’t show a downward trend, so I don’t think Yale would rescind your application.</p>
<p>From my understanding and from taking one and currently taking the other…
Calc AB is equal to one semester of college math
Calc BC is equal to two semesters of college math and therefore will cover pretty much double the material</p>
<p>On a side note, how would an A+ in BC look significantly better than an A+ in a different subject, even if it is technically a large drop from my AB grade?</p>
<p>Dude, you need to grow up. It’s a grade. You’re already in. Calc is hard. It’s tough to find out that you aren’t perfect at everything, but throwing a temper tantrum isn’t exactly graceful. I’ll give you two guesses as to whose fault it is that you got a C+, but you’re only going to need one.</p>
<p>Don’t be a little kid about it. Take it like a grownup and do better 2nd term.</p>
<p>The kid is freaked out about a bad grade, it happens to even the best of us. And if you read the OP carefully you would notice that it was specifically mentioned that no comments were wanted about stuff like this. It’s just a rant, let the kid rant.</p>
<p>Rant somewhere else, then. What has this kid getting a C+ in Calculus BC have anything to do with Yale University in the slightest, other than that he applied and was accepted EA? He said himself he isn’t worried about having his acceptance rescinded.</p>
<p>Don’t come at me all condescending because I don’t have any sympathy for some kid whining about his grades. And that is exactly what he was doing. Whining. Where in his post can you find any helpful or insightful information about anything? He mentions Yale a grand total of once, as a parenthetical, in a forum that is at least in theory dedicated to discussion about Yale. This thread in no way adds to that discussion. There are places to complain about grades on this website, and this is not one of those places.</p>
<p>If he didn’t want my opinion on his childishness, he shouldn’t have posted it in such a public forum. He’s a big boy, he can take my constructive criticism. If he can’t, there’s always Livejournal, or High School Life, or wherever this is accepted behavior.</p>
<p>I’m not bitter at the kid. You’re absolutely right. We all get bad grades. But fishing for strangers’ sympathy will not turn his C+ into an A, nor will it make him understand calculus. Studying will do that, and that is what I told him to do. I gave the kid advice: everyone else gave him “aww, poor baby.” I fail to see how that was unnecessary.</p>
<p>Just because I didn’t sugarcoat my advice and tie it up into a nice pretty harmless little package doesn’t mean it wasn’t valid advice.</p>
<p>^ I didn’t give him an “aww, poor baby.” I gave him a “Yeah, Calculus sucks. It’s my only B.” Other people did the same. Shut up and grow a pair.</p>
Although I agree with you that it’s not necessary to make “nice” comments all the time, the above part isn’t always the case - it’s not the case that you’d find perfectly relevant posts in every little topic, or else it’d be boring.</p>