Well I guess I am probably not going here

<p>even if I get in
it will cost me FIFTY TWO THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED SOME DOLLARS. Probably more like 53,000+ a semester....I'm sorry but that is just ridiculously too much. I love the school (it's my first choice...) but I don't know if $200,000 or more debt is worth it by the time of graduation... geeze
anyone else get the Tuition and fees postcard? (I applied RD)
sorry just had to rant for a little....I am really annoyed as it would take waaayyy too many scholarships to even begin making it afordable</p>


<p>we just received that in the mail…</p>

<p>if there is any good news, its 52k/year, not semester.</p>

<p>oh yeah…thats what I meant…but still its an absurd amount (for me at least…dang)</p>

<p>We got the postcard, too. I almost choked. (I’m the mom, D applied RD.)
All of the schools that D applied to are in the $50,000 range, with one exception. We are hoping for a TON of merit $$$ somewhere. $200,000 is indeed an absurd amount of money to spend on an undergraduate education.
Good luck to all!</p>

<p>i just checked the website today: [url=<a href=“Home - Computing Services - Office of the CIO - Carnegie Mellon University”>Home - Computing Services - Office of the CIO - Carnegie Mellon University]Costs[/url</a>]</p>

<p>and the total cost for one whole year is: $54,150 so $27,075 a semester.</p>

<p>MIT is around $35,000 a year so roughly $17,500 a semester…</p>

<p>^ nah, if you add up all the pretty numbers:
[College</a> Search - Massachusetts Institute of Technology - MIT - Cost & Financial Aid](<a href=“College Search - BigFuture | College Board”>College Search - BigFuture | College Board)</p>

<p>then MIT is still around 50k. Only, it has MUCH more reliable financial aid than Carnegie Mellon.</p>

<p>MIT is $36,390 tuition, $10,860 room & board, and $2850 books & personal expenses = $50,100 total cost. Less than CMU, but not $35,000</p>

<p>Remember that even if CMU offers you a weak financial aid package to start, there’s always the possibility of getting more out of them. If you got into any other comparable schools, and they offered you better aid, let CMU know. I was able to get CMU to double their grant offer to me by telling them what RPI had offered.</p>

<p>Our son (now a junior) initially wasn’t offered any financial aid but sent the offer from Penn and ended up with a small grant. There was an official process for reporting such offers , particularly from peer institutions:
[Peer</a> Institutions - Institutional Research & Analysis - Carnegie Mellon University](<a href=“http://www.cmu.edu/ira/infox/external/peer.html]Peer”>Peer Institutions - Institutional Research and Analysis - Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning - Carnegie Mellon University)


<p>oh cool…a few of my school’s that I applied to are on that list- a bit of a relief…</p>

<p>Ohhh, I just remembered…</p>


<p>Hopefully their financial aid package will be fair!</p>

<p>Thanks for that post RacinReaver, it will be useful…IF i get in that is