Well...I'm not too sure about CC.

I have my good days and bad days on here. But, I guess my real question here is: Does anyone else feel bullied on CC?

I most certaintly do. I know I don’t always have my “grammer correct” or my facts straight, and I tend to be a little opinionated, but that’s what we are here for. I have never made fun of, or responded negatively to someone who expressed his or her opinion. I just feel bullied and this isn’t the first time. Has anyone else experienced this?

There are some people on here that like to show off their intelligence which can get old. If you are really offended, you can try reporting them by clicking “report problem post,” at which point a moderator will look into it to see if the poster was being offensive enough to merit a violation of CC rules. Other than that, you have to toughen up and dish it back.


I’m self-conscious about everything I write here (like, “they’ll roll their eyes and whisper about me behind my back!”)… but I’m a self-conscious person in general, so it’s probably just me.


I kind of was (and am sometimes) for a while, but I don’t really care anymore.

You are FAR from the only one. In fact, I email with a great many intelligent, socially adept, friendly and uniquely interesting folks with a great deal to contribute who have left or all but left the site due to this problem. I am sure that to some degree, this is a more general internet problem; however, a site like this which appeals to a more intellectual crowd can be a haven for “intellectual bullies.” It’s a matter of weighing the pros and cons and deciding if the occasional (and for some people more frequent) abuse is worth it. Like I said, I know many who, unfortunately for CC, have decided that it is simply not.


Yes, a lot of people can be mean here (especially if you’re into the lengthy debate threads/flamewars).

I’ve probably discovered, IMHO, that one way to avoid hostility is to, perhaps, preface most of your semi-controversial statements with “probably”, “often”, “generally”, “I’m supposing”, “don’t listen to me I’m just a silly high school kid,” or even, perhaps, other qualifying phrases. It’s likely because then people usually can’t accuse me of being somewhat arrogant, or perhaps a tad bit closed-minded. I’m guessing that might be the reason.

You can always pinpoint the people on cc who will be attending law school and become successful lawyers :).

Unfortunately I have experienced this as well. In one instance I did report the person. It seems to me that persons posts have toned down some in their outright offensiveness.

I also hesitate to join in many threads that are of interest to me because I don’t feel up to the picking-apart of my opinions/ideas that will (almost inevitably) occur.

Still, I obviously still find this site a worthy place to frequent. Hang in there!


i can’t even handle it sometimes. its like, just becuz i go to community college doesnt mean im stupid.

keep yo chin up gurl!!!


We don’t want bullying or dumb spelling/grammar correction posts (except in commentary on essays or similar) - just report 'em.

Don’t worry about it… forget about the random opinion of some dude online.

And deanspet, gurl is spelled girl

(jk, dont jump down my throat)

I’ve been reading CC since about 2002, and participating since about 2004. Posters come and go, and the amount of information presented on CC can be remarkable. There are a few posters who think this is a cyber version of a wrestling match, who make this a less pleasant experience for others. Honestly, I’m about ready to throw in the towel. My older son is a college sophomore, and I feel I have enough info to guide my HS child on the path to college. Thank you to the many posters who have brought a unique point of view to CC – I’ve enjoyed many posts.

Just avoid the non-academic discussions, and you’ll usually avoid most of the bulldogs.

It’s the internet, you don’t know who you’re talking to. You could be talking to a 13-year old who pretend to be 17.