well then... since my other question wasnt good enough i have more

<p>Okay, so, hmm, well... then.. I'd like to start some speakage in this specific forum so i'm about to think up some questions that a smart one might answer.. i think. </p>

<p>1.) how do you like the dorms?
-do you feel like you have your privacy?.. (other than having a roommate)
-do you have singles or know people who do?
-if yes to the previous question, how many single rooms does there appear to be?
-do you like the food? </p>

<p>2.) have you ever taken classes at any of the 4 other schools in your consortium?
-do you see people from other schools on campus (this would mainly in class of course.. unless you see some self indulged self-centered ego masturbating student from amherst or smith with a hoodie declaring his allegiance, which of course shows he is smarter than everyone on campus, including the teachers.. i'm sure this happens... could be fun if you get one of those in class, no?)
-if you do take classes at other colleges.
a.1) Which one(s)<br>
a.2) how many
b) which campus do you like best?
c) which teacher population do you like best?
d) which campus atmosphere do you enjoy most
e) i have seen on sites "you dont have to pay any additional fees aside from teacher fees etc" ... this doesnt really say whether or not you pay the other college tuition rate or not. if you go to say umass and take classes at smith will you be paying twice as much?
f) on which campus do students seem the happiest?
g) do you encounter any large amount of students that hate their school?</p>

<li>courses and educational path</li>

<p>a) so, what is your educational path?
b) know of any really weird majors or areas of study that have been chosen by different students?
c) do you like the ability to choose your path?
d) do you feel like you dont get enough direction from your educators? or that you have too much freedom therefor feel lost at points in your education?
e) do you get alot of directional advice from your educators? this has more to do if you have an odd area (maybe i dont know enough and no one has an odd area).</p>

-the dorms are generally quiet. there are bouts of noise that can be annoying, since they always seem to hit right when they're most unnecessary -- finally going to sleep, working on a final paper, etc -- but all in all the noise isn't a problem. unless you see yourself wanting quiet on a weekend night (thursdays-saturdays at hamp), you shouldn't encounter a problem.
-privacy isn't an issue. in my dorm building there are only two doubles on each hall. so the hall i live on is comprised of about 14 singles and 2 doubles. the bathrooms are co-ed, however. i don't see this as a problem but some might. on another bathroom note, one of the dorm buildings has bathrooms that double as hallways. it's hard to picture, but in order to get from one end of the hall to another, you have to walk through the bathroom... which could be annoying, but i don't live there so i can't say for certain.<br>
-the food.. is college dining hall food. it's not five star by any means, but it's manageable. i would suggest making sure you have lots of snacks though. some nights you're just not going to be in the mood for dining hall food.</p>

-i haven't taken a course at another one of the colleges yet. i plan on it, though. a large part of hamp is taking advantage of this kind of opportunity... because you will eventually be crafting your own "major," you need to be prepared to seek courses elsewhere.
-i've had two classes with students from another one of the colleges. it's honestly impossible to distinguish who isn't from hamp until they introduce themselves as a five college student.
-as i mentioned before, i haven't taken a course at another one of the colleges but i have visited them on occasion. i may be biased, but i like hamp's campus the most. architecturally it isn't the most appealing -- i'd take smith's campus if possible -- but it has it's own unique appeal. it's surrounded by forest, and some of the views while walking around are stunning. i've taken to carrying my camera with me at all times.
-you dont' pay extra for taking a class elsewhere. aside from possible lab fees and books -- which you would be dealing with at hamp also -- there is no charge. as i mentioned before, it is a rarity for someone to not take a course at another college.
-i haven't spent enough time on any of the other campuses to be able to rank happiness... no matter which campus you're on you're going to find happy and unhappy people.</p>

-i haven't declared my concentration yet, but it's most likely going to be something involving writing. recently the idea of the quest for truth through literature has been intriguing me... but who knows if that will end up being my concentration or simply a facet of it.
-i'm sure a list of concentrations can be found online... i know of one student who is doing their div III on local foods. another student is dealing with global education theory. if you walk into cole science center there is a complete list of all of the div IIIs focusing in natural science.
-i love being able to choose my path. the entire educational process at hamp is a learning experience in itself. you're not simply taking courses that are going to add up to a certain major, you're constructing your own area of study based on your interests. what could be better than that?
-a large part of hamp is being able to ask for help if and when you need it. because so much is entrusted in you, you're largely the one responsible for your own education. but no one expects you to do it all on your own. courses are structured and conducted well -- that's not so much the part that you're responsible for. which courses you choose to take, however, is what you're responsible for. you will have an advisor to help you, so don't worry about that at all.
-when you begin selecting your div II and div III committees, you will essentially be choosing professors to help you with your further studies. there will always be help as long as you ask for it.</p>

<p>hope i was able to help.</p>

<p>thank you very much that was a very nice response!</p>