
<p>Okay, chances please :)
I'd really like to know what my peers think.
White female/ NJ
Middle class
Average high school</p>

<p>Rank: 2/190
WGPA: 4.3265
UGPA: don't know it, pretty high though</p>

<p>SATI: M: 690 CR: 750 W: 730 (superscore) (1440/2170)
SATII: Bio(E): 780 Lit: 750 MathIC: 710
ACT: 33 Composite
AP Bio: 5</p>

<p>My senior year courseload (and I've taken the most challenging courses available):
Spanish I
Honors Physics
AP English
AP Calculus AB
AP German
Honors Symphonic Band </p>

German Folk Club (9-12) (S, VP)
Swimming (10-12) (varsity 11-12)
Quiz Bowl (9-12)
Jazz Band/Symphonic Band (flute)
NHS (treasurer)
German Exchange (3 weeks in germany, 3 weeks with a german here)
Soccer (9-11 JV) </p>

Governor's School of Engineering and Technology
Girl Scout Silver Award
National Merit SF
German Honors Society
Excellence in German Award
Scholar Athlete
Distinguished Scholar (school award)
Lillian Gilbreth Women in Technology Award from NJIT</p>

<p>Community Service
Pass-it-along committee for environmental cleanup
interact club</p>

<p>Work Experience
Lifeguard (summer)
Babysitting </p>

1. one about my german exchange and my determination to understand the language--not too great (mediocre at best)
2. one about my independence (pretty good) </p>

1. really good (but from a sophomore year teacher)
2. awesome (from a teacher i've had for three years) </p>

<p>Wrote that my prospective major was German.</p>

<p>Please and thank you. :)</p>

<p>BUMP :)
Hey guys I'd really appreciate Yale-spirited feedback!
I'm just curious as to what my peers and competition think.</p>

<p>first of all i think the fact that the title of the thread is "well..." isn't getting you any hits--i clicked on it by accident! Anyways, i think your scores are up to par (they're almost exactly like mine, so i hope im right). And I can see some leadership and concentration in a German passion. To be honest, nothing pops out at me, esp. since you said your essays are mediocre to good and pretty good. But who knows, we are our worst critics. I think you've got a shot!</p>

<p>i suppose you have a decent/OK chance.</p>

<p>Rank/GPA: Very Good
Courseload: Medicore(depends how many AP's your school offers I suppose)
SAT/ACT/SAT II's: Good enough(won't help, won't hurt)
EC's: Average(as compared to what I've seen at least, though the passion for German is pretty good)</p>

<p>Your essays and recommendations will probably seal your fate. Don't worry about it though...it's out of your control now. Good luck!!!:)</p>

<p>As a fellow New Jerseyian, I feel obliged to help you out. Your SAT scores are a bit low, but nothing outlandish. You have a solid class rank, and a difficult courseload. In addition, your extracurriculars aren't spectacular, but they do show varied interests where you have had success. I also think the fact that you intend on majoring in German would be a big plus for you, as that's not one of the more popular choices of major. Let's face it, colleges need people to fill these places. I think you stand an average, if not slightly above average chance. I wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>EAD, just so you know, that's pretty much all my school offers by way of APs, the full list that they offer is:
AP German (check)
AP English (check)
AP Calculus AB (check)
APUSH (check)
AP Biology (check)
AP Spanish
AP French
AP Music Theory
AP Computer Science (but not really, there hasn't been a class in it I don't think ever, but I'm not too sure)
So I took as many as possible, pretty much. In a way.</p>

<p>Ah. You guys are a little too nice in my own opinion. But at any rate, I thank you SO much for taking the time to repond to my post. I'm counting on that German thing to carry me through and possibly one of my essays (which I feel sort of sets me apart--it's about my independence), but I guess we'll see. Thanks for all the feedback. I love everyone here. Really.</p>