<p>Today has been a bittersweet day for me... As some of you may know, through PMs, the boarding school business all came when we learned that there may be a possibility for a relocation. My mom wanted me to apply to a day school in that area... </p>
<p>I learned today that I have been offered admission at this school. While my father still supports me going to a boarding school (which we sent the deposit for, but may end up not going), my mother thinks a year at home will do me a lot of good. Do not get me wrong, this school may be, arguably, the best school in the country... I, personally, would prefer going to Milton... </p>
<p>After waking up today, glad that the deposits had been set, we had a "chit chat". At the time I was filled with anger and rage, I had worked for this since the september. I sat and looked at every statistic, trying to prove that my education will be sub-optimal at this school. After a long (and painful) conversation it seems as if the day school may prevail. </p>
<p>I thought I would tell all of you, those who have helped me through this process. During ups, and during downs. I must say, I have learned a lot from this community, and I doubt I will get off this site until college. I keep telling myself that this school is great (which it is), but on the inside I keep hoping for a change in events. For those of you who have read this little note, I thought I would tell you... We will succeed wherever we go. On the first day of english class, my teacher told me "I do not care about your grades, I care about the type of learner you are. Are you intrinsically motivated, or extrinsically motivated...". I think this quote shapes who I am in many ways. Just as it is for me, I profoundly believe "It is the student, and not school". Maybe I am ranting in hope of boarding school, or ranting to "prove to myself that this opportunity is just as good", but either way we will become great people... either way...</p>
<p>Again, thanks to all of you for helping me so kindly. This sounds awful lot like a farewell, but it is anything but that. I will continually to perfusly give my opinions/knowledge in places where it is (probably) unwanted... :p.</p>
<p>Thought I would give you all an update. Also, to all admissions counselors out there: Thank you SO much for what you have bestowed me with.</p>
<p>For a while it brought me down enough to read Ethan Frome. Boy!</p>