We're picking up the pieces, but what went wrong?

<p>so..where is andison right now?</p>

<p>He was offered a great full-tuition scholarship to Brandeis - check the college acceptances thread, or merit scholarships thread! :)</p>

<p>Is Andison waiting on other schools?</p>

<p>Andison is also in at U of R and WPI. I believe that he is waiting on others.</p>

<p>Somebody needs to remember to TOP this thread every October, November and December when kids are choosing schools to apply to.</p>


<p>Glad to hear the good news.</p>

<p>Have you any more insight as to the original question? "...what went wrong?"</p>

Have you any more insight as to the original question? "...what went wrong?"


<p>Aside from the answer being "pretty much everything" yes I'd say we do.
I'm going to consolidate the whole process on a thread at the end of the month.</p>

<p><<i'm going="" to="" consolidate="" the="" whole="" process="" on="" a="" thread="" at="" end="" of="" month.="">></i'm></p>

<p>Yay! I can't wait to read it.</p>

<p>That's great, Andi, bringing his story full circle will not only be sweet for you, it also adds depth to what is already probably one of the most important stories on CC. You two have helped so many others. Thanks!</p>