Were You EA/ED Denied or Deferred? Get All Your Admissions Questions: ASK ANYTHING!

I was deferred from Yale a few days ago. Would something like administering COVID vaccines be something worth updating the admissions office about?

Hey @brendymar and @17xcms , determine what has changed between when you submitted your application and now. If you have seen improvements in test scores, grades, or otherwise academically, be sure to update the school. If you have accomplished anything impressive extracurricularly, update them on that as well.

Donā€™t contact the school just for the sake of contacting them, but if you have new achievements of information to give better context to your application, you can and should send that in. Admissions officers do have a lot to read and do, so make sure anything you send in is worth their effort. Do not send additional essays or letters of recommendation.

@17xcms Administering Covid vaccines could be impressive, depending on context and in what capacity you were working. Is this something you took part in due to an ongoing job or internship? Is this a new opportunity youā€™ve come across?


CHE has a pretty decent rate of either acceptance after deferral, or an offer of spring start or Transfer Option.

Write a LOCI with updated accomplishments and grades etc. send to CHE admissions and upload to the portal.

Send another LOR

Good luck

@IvyScholars. Thank you for your insights. It is hard to give feedback without having a complete picture. And obviously I cannot make full disclosure on public forum.

Her App to EA was very specific to pursuing a leadership path through ROTC. In fact, the national ROTC accepted her application without a test score which are still required by all ROTC options. They thought her academic was strong enough.

While her strength is shown in several activities, she did focus her path and impact on leadership. Even starting a new club at her school as a founding president is focused on sharing different culture with a student class that is 94% white, middle class. This with her residence and travel experience in 10 countries highlights her qualification and interest in promoting diversity in a highly concentrated environment. She has gone through 5 US Passports to-date. She attended private school, K-8. In public school last 3 years.

While her theme as Scholar, Leader, Athlete as a top performer in all of these areas maybe most desired by ROTC/Service Academy, as mentioned can still be narrowed down to ONE primary, others secondary even in the leadership theme.

This is what I am considering now as she completes her app to other selective schools. Among the choice she considered in her activities and career, we wanted her to present with her strength.

Also is her status as Junior competing with Seniors put her at a disadvantage, also without test scores, and her age 16? Do you think the EA school or other colleges think she should apply a year later?

She is finishing high school in 3 years with 30 high school credits (96, 95, 99 avg during 3 years), took 9-11 core classes each year, and required electives to graduate. During 3 years, 8 AP/College Dual STEM/Social Science/Humanities. Iā€™m not sure if more academic is needed to demonstrate her scholarship given she has demonstrated discipline and strength to take on a very heavy academic load every year.

Look forward to getting your feedback and thoughts how she can present herself to remaining applications, using the path through ROTC and leadership.

How long after you are deferred should you send the LOCI?

Thank you. This was super helpful.

Lol!!! Applied to all.

She got into UGA with $38k and Kelley with $40k. We found out she is not deferred from Wisconsin. They havenā€™t admitted all regions.

We are from Florida, she will NOT go to UF, kills me bc itā€™s paid for - Florida prepaid and they will pay us back - bright futures. Ugh!!!

By the way
Gpa 3.98 UW, 5.1W 8APā€™s 9 dual enrollments 2 Aice,
1380 SAT - we know thatā€™s the issue.
Good EC
Worked during quarantine, interesting story.

She will kill me if she figures this out.

Thank you

Hi! I was denied from Cornell School of Hotel Administration and Iā€™m heartbroken. Is there any chance of reapplying to transfer next year? What should I do now?

I am not sure if I am allowed to respond to you, but I own a few small boutique hotels in Florida and I hire all my employees from the Rosen School at UCF. I know itā€™s a different league. I am impressed and for me itā€™s your work ethic thatā€™s most important

If I am out of turn, I apologize.


@McGuiver Test scores donā€™t matter much, at least this year. Schools may be hesitant about accepting a student graduating early, but thatā€™s hard to say for certain, as itā€™s such a rare occurrence.

The main issue is that of the hook. By this I donā€™t mean the central theme of an application, though I see how it may seem that way. The hook is how admissions officers remember and refer to an applicant. ā€œThis is the applicant who did gymnastics for 12 years.ā€ is memorable.

While your daughterā€™s leadership accomplishments are impressive, they do not make a hook on their own. The ROTC angle is more unique, and that seems a good way to stand out. You say you wrote an essay about that, which is good. The essays should all be on different topics, but the main essay should tie into the hook.

Applications may not work out, in which case I recommend taking a gap year before reapplying. I hope this was helpful.

Now you should look into other programs which offer similar options. Being rejected hurts, but there are still many remarkable programs which offer similar opportunities. Take time enough to process the rejection, and then begin working on other applications.

I would recommend looking into Babson College for a more generalized business program.

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Thank you for the advice! I would be doing it an an EMT for the state Iā€™m licensed in.

@17xcms That might be worth updating them about then.

@es28623 I would only recommend sending a LOCI if you are placed on the waitlist, it normally isnā€™t needed if you were deferred.

Is there a cutoff date for additional material to Harvard? I have a research opportunity lasting Jan to end of Feb and Iā€™m not sure if it would still be considered.

Hello, I have one question. I have been deferred by Harvard. When should I send them a deferral letter? Your response would be much appreciated.

Hello Got Deferred from Dartmouth, anything I should do?

My DS was deferred by Harvard several years ago. For all Deferred applicants, there is nothing more to do at this time. Only thing you should do is to report in your fall grades which is required if you have continued interest. Also if something significant to report, yes. Otherwise do not send them every little thing that comes up. Sometimes, more is less and less is more.

rejected from brown, my dream school. how do i recover?

I got accepted to NYU Shanghai, my choice was STERN. What are my options? NYU makes us choose an alternate campus mandatory on the application. Is there a way to transfer, anyone has any idea?

my daughter has a 1420 on SATs which is bottom of the middle for Tufts where she wants to ED2. Should she submit? Everyone said no - unless above average, but then I am worried there will be a presumption that she is a privileged kid in a private school and she would have the opportunity to take them so if she doesnt submit it must mean they are bad. Thoughts??