<p>Not sure what's really going on here.</p>
<p>I have to wonder if this had anything to do with the sharp drop in applications this past year, especially since the upcoming New SAT – which really is an entirely different animal – much more rigorous, academically demanding, less coachable, and (therefore) probably significantly better as an admissions tool – has yet to be tried and tested.</p>
<p>Seems a lot of low-income students crossed Wesleyan off their lists last year due to the change in need-blind status, apps plummeted, and now here's Dr. Roth trying to restore and beat application totals next year and in future years.</p>
<p>Based on the draft released on 4/16, which presumes a much higher level of academic skill and accomplishment than the easily-gamed, highly-coachable version that's been wasting academic energy for decades, the New SAT has the potential to become the "test top schools use."</p>
<p>What will this do to Wesleyan's prestige, if anything, now that Wes has dropped the SAT without even a trial run of the new high-octane version? </p>
<p>Does Wes now become the "Pitzer of the East?" </p>
<p>I'm sure Pres. Roth would love Pitzer's admission rate, anyway ...</p>