<p>Now that the 815 first-year students are settling into their residence halls this week, Dean Nancy Hargrave Meislahn has released Wesleyan's Class of 2015 Profile:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/facts_faces/class_profile_2015.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.wesleyan.edu/admission/facts_faces/class_profile_2015.pdf</a></p>
<p>Speaking yesterday before the parents of the Class of 2015 who packed into the beautiful Memorial Chapel on College Row, she described this year's class as the largest and most diverse, and "admittedly, even by Wesleyan's standards" one of the most talented ever. This profile speaks volumes about the quality of students who come to Wesleyan, even though statistics alone fail to grasp the many unique talents this class brings.</p>
<p>I was at that speech on Wednesday, right after we had moved my son into his dorm (it was prior to the President Roth’s speech). I wasn’t surprised to see that the class was 55% female this year…I remarked to my husband as we were having our dinner afterwards at the First and Last Tavern on Main Street that it seemed like I only met the parents of girls!</p>
<p>Hi GreatKidsMom, actually this year’s class is 50/50 male/female. See the second page where “matriculated” students are listed–that is, the ones who actually decided to attend Wesleyan and who start classes on Monday. Of those admitted, 55% were women and 45% men–but the admissions meisters wound up with an evenly split class for this fall after admitted students made their final selections.</p>
<p>I didn’t read the second page (obviously!) Just chance that I spoke with more parents of girls then!</p>
<p>Thanks for the link.</p>
<p>the one statistic that stands out to me is 38% students of color not including international students. that’s higher than the proportion of SOCs including international students has been in the last few years.</p>
<p>also notable: higher percentages of 1st generation students and students receiving aid. looks like Wes is starting to actually live up to its ‘Diversity University’ reputation.</p>
<p>^^Agreed. But, I would offer the same caveat that Morganhil did @post#3, that the first page is for students admitted as of last April and the second page is for the class as it stood just a month ago, presumably after the traditional summer melt which turned out to be more of a light rinse, this year
. Both pages indicate a big jump in SOC compared to previous years (with or without international students) and especially impressive moves among Latino, Asian and Asian American families.</p>