West Coast DA Nursing-BSN

I’m looking for West coast direct admit BSN colleges. We are in CA and would rather my daughter stay West coast but might be open to mid-west. I just don’t want to miss any potential applications. Probably not including test scores, 3.9 UW, 4.2 W, lots of volunteer hours, sports, clubs, etc. I’d really appreciate it if anyone has any input!

Our current list includes:
SD State
IC Irvine
University of Portland
Seattle Pacific
Carthage (WI)-accepted

Be sure to check the weed-out criteria at each nursing program. For example, ASU nursing requires a 3.50 college GPA each of first four semesters to stay in the program: https://degrees.apps.asu.edu/major-map/ASU00/NUNURDBSN/NURTPBSN/ALL/2023?init=false&nopassive=true

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Here’s a third party list. If accurate you might look at

Look like you are missing U San Francisco and U Seattle U. Seattle Pacific which you have is an upper division major. But many DA still see to have minimums to hit. Since you note ASU acceptance you likely don’t need more but if you opened the MW there are many to consider.

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My daughter graduated in 2022 and really wanted to stay in CA, but was denied. (4.0 UW and 4.5+ W with lots of extras.)

denied- UC Irvine, San Diego State
waitlisted- Emory, University of Virginia
accepted- Northeastern, Long Beach (not direct admit), ASU

She chose her “backup”, ASU, and is absolutely loving it! She’s only just starting year 2, but is SO HAPPY.


Daughter just graduated from ASU DA Nursing and loved it. Passed her NCLEX and working in Scottsdale as an RN in the Emergency Department. Good luck to her. Great program!


We are in CA as well

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It’s encouraging to read that other’s are happy there! Did she find it difficult to maintain the 3.5 during the weed out timeframe? I’m still hoping that she’ll hear from SD State but I know competition is tough.

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Thank-you, that’s very encouraging. Congrats to her! They seem to have a very strong program. How did yours do with the initial 3.5 gpa requirement?

Students are definitely aware of the 3.5 requirement but they have some English, etc. classes to help balance out the science and harder classes. My daughter and her friends studied together, a lot and utilized office hours, etc… to get help as needed. it is a very collaborative environment.

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Maintaining the 3.5 has not been a problem (so far). My daughter is in the Barrett honors program which increases her workload… and she opts for more difficult elective classes which she finds interesting (not just “easy A” classes).