West Point - A Special Family

<p>Most people know that West Point is a very special place. However, potential new cadets and their parents should also take into account the very special extended family you will become part of when your son or daughter becomes a West Point cadet.</p>

<p>Our firstie son just flew home yesterday for his Christmas leave. As some of you may know, the airports in the New York City area have been a real mess this weekend with many, if not most, of the flights delayed or cancelled.</p>

<p>Throughout the ordeal, parents on the west point parent-forum have been offering to open up their houses to stranded cadets for as long as needed. Most have even offered to go to the airport, pick up the cadets, house them for the night, and then return them to the airport. </p>

<p>It's a comforting feeling to know that your cadet has 'family' willing to help him/her out pretty much anywhere in the country.</p>

<p>The bonds formed between the cadets are much renowned. However, the bonds between the members of the West Point extended family are also treasured by both cadets and their families.</p>

<p>Merry Christmas to all.</p>


<p>You’re so right. I’ve had a few extra cadets at our home this weekend - and with the flights being cancelled at least 1 will be here a couple more days. I can only say that it’s an honor to have my daughter’s friends know that they can call us at any hour and we’ll pick them up from O’Hare. And it’s a pleasure to have them here.</p>

<p>(Gotta go and cook lots and lots of protein.)</p>

<p>“have to go cook lots and lots of protein” </p>


<p>apsen - you are so right.
What I witnessed last weekend on the parent forum was amazing. Parents with kids at civilian colleges would never be able to tap into such an extensive network of support and assistance when flights are canceled.</p>

<p>momoftwins - you are awesome!
Not to take anything away from momoftwins generosity - she is the norm for a West Point parent - not the exception.</p>

<p>Those of you who are contemplating sending your child a plane ride or a continent away to West Point - rest easy. There are hundreds of surrogate parents all across the country who will help your child.</p>