West Point

<p>USMA at West Point questions </p>


<p>USMA at West Point questions</p>

<p>Will I get into the USMA at West Point?</p>

<p>Info about me:
I am on my second year applying to the USMA at West Point (I just didn't get in my first yr, maybe ACT was too low). I graduated high school in 2008 with a 3.82 gpa. I was in tennis, hockey, and CHOICE (Non-drug promoting club). I also went to Venezuela on a service trip and was in jrotc. I am currently a freshman at the University of Saint Thomas with a 3.36 gpa. I have an Army ROTC scholarship at the University of Minnesota. I have 3 nominations to West Point from SROTC, my congresswomen, and one senator. I am in two clubs at school and work for a local restaurant. I am on the Ranger challenge team for SROTC and have been nominated cadet of the month twice. My ACT score is a 21. Since my 21 last yr, I have studied for the ACT test at a learning center and I have recently taken the Feb. 7 2009 ACT. It felt like I improved my score but I will not find out my scores until the end of Feb. I am medically qualified and physically qualified. My application is done despite new ACT and I sent in my college transcript. Otherwise, my file is complete.</p>

<p>Do I look like a strong applicant?</p>

<p>Will I get in to the school or prep?</p>

<p>Any comments would be great. </p>

<p>Many thanks in advanced. GO ARMY!!!</p>


<p>First of all, nobody here can tell you if you’ll actually receive an appointment. Only Admissions can do so. However, I’d like to first of all thank you for your desire to serve. </p>

<p>You’re doing all the right things. West Point accepts a decent number of candidates who are on their 2nd or 3rd try. You already know that your ACT is low so I commend you for taking the prep class and look forward to seeing you post that new score. You may want to check with Admissions to see what else you can be doing. I wish you all the best, and hope you’ll keep us posted on your progress.</p>

<p>My suggestion is to keep in regular contact with your Regional Commander in admissions. He/She is your best source of guidance. I can tell you that one of the things USMA looks for is motivation to attend and determination to succeed. While many candidates say USMA is their first choice the vast majority who are turned down do not reapply. The fact that you have reapplied puts you in a small pool.
Good luck!</p>