Whaddya know, another chance thread!

<p>Hey guys,
It would be great if you could chance me.
Since I've been reading so many of them, I thought I might as well give in and post one of my own.</p>

<p>Applied Early Decision to Cornell Human Ecology for the HBHS (Human Bio, Health, and Society) major and got deferred.
My parents are Russian-Jewish immigrants, and I speak Russian at home.</p>

<p>SAT: 720 CR, 780 Math, 800 Writing
790 Biology E
760 World History
750 Spanish (not with listening)
680 Chemistry
640 Math I (took it freshman year)</p>

<p>GPA: 96 unweighted (my school does GPA's out of 100) doesn't rank, and doesn't weight.</p>

Freshman Year:
Earth Science (required, didn't offer advanced when I was a freshman)
Honors English 9
Math 11-1Y (two years accelerated math)
Honors Global (world history) 9
Spanish 2A (honors)
Music Theory</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
AP World History
Honors Precalculus (two years accelerated math)
Chemistry X (the options were Regular Biology, Enriched Biology, or Chem X and Chem X was the hardest option available in the sciences)
Spanish 3 (choices were Spanish 3 and 3B, 3 being the more advanced option)
Honors English 10
Science Research</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Biology
AP Calculus BC (two-years accelerated for my school)
AP US History
British Literature (most advanced English class for juniors)
Intermediate Spanish (college-level Spanish, through University in High School program at SUNY Albany)
Health (requirement)
Human Physiology (1/2 year elective)</p>

<p>Senior Year:
AP Economics
Mandarin Chinese 1 (first year my school offered the language to any students)
AP Literature and Composition
AP Physics B (considered toughest class in our school, the teacher is tough and the school doesn't offer Physics C)
Calculus 3/Linear Algebra (still 2 years accelerated)
AP Spanish</p>

<p>I had PE every year, so I had a full schedule with one free each year.</p>

<p>AP Scores:
AP Biology: 5
AP US History: 5
AP World History: 5
I canceled my AP Calc BC score because I was pretty sick that day and did poorly.</p>

Toshiba ExploraVision Contest Honorable Mention (10th grade)
Spanish Department Award for Excellence in College-level Spanish
AP Scholar (eh, I got it so might as well list it)
New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence
NY State Math Honors Society Inductee (also an EC, but I won't list it again)</p>

I'm not going to list all of them since it's really pointless to do so on CC so I'll put my main ones.
Worked for two summers 3 days a week for 9 hours a day at a local endocrinology clinic as a checkout person, I took copayments, helped with patient issues, scheduled/rescheduled appointments. I also got to shadow a couple doctors there a few times to see what it was like to be an endocrinologist.</p>

<p>Volunteered at the local hospital for 3 summers (9th, 10th, 11th), ended up shadowing a couple doctors there as well a couple times</p>

<p>Co-President of school Masterminds team (sort of like Quiz Bowl)</p>

<p>Piano for 12 years, performed some high-end pieces at recitals each year.</p>

<p>Those are the main ones, the others aren't as important. Basically, I listed the ones that take up most of my time.</p>

<p>Essays were definitely on unique topics, kind of quirky, but also a bit long.
One teacher rec should be spectacular, the other one I don't really know.</p>

<p>So, yeah, there's my cliched chance thread, please don't berate me for posting one, I truly couldn't resist.</p>

<p>Good luck to all! And sorry for the REALLY long post!
And please state your honest opinions, I'm pretty aware of the absolute amazing quality of the Yale applicant pool.</p>

<p>i’d say you had a good chance, more than 50/50, as long as you played up your interesting background
everything you listed seemed to be good enough-so with a good application i think you have a good shot. good luck!</p>

<p>Wow, thanks! I’m surprised you thought I had a good shot, I was thinking I was pretty much an auto-reject.</p>

<p>Any other opinions? I can take a “you’re a TERRIBLE applicant” opinion too :)</p>

<p>I may be picking on details, but 640 on Math I isn’t Yale material. Even though you took it in freshman year its just sort of like a dead weight there.</p>

<p>Everything else is impressive though, so congrats on your achievements!</p>

<p>Yeah I know, I was worried about the Math I. But I was hoping the 780 Math SAT I would kind of nudge that out of the foreground? I’m not going into math or anything, but bleh a 640 is pretty awful.</p>

<p>Thank you! What I’m going for is Bio/Spanish related, and those were my best scores so hopefully I won’t be rejected as quickly. But with a school like Yale, one bad score could be enough to get rejected.
Btw michie, thanks for picking up on a detail rather than saying “good” or “bad”, it really helps :)</p>

<p>Any others?</p>

<p>Yeah I know, stats-wise I’m nothing special for Yale. But I do have a pretty unique “Second Essay” for Yale about my background, which is quite different. And I have a decent idea for the Why Yale essay. Do you think it’s pretty much all up to the essays for Yale?
But thanks, Sensual Butthole. I also like your username. A lot.</p>

<p>That’s what I thought… my personal statement is a bit rambling, but my Yale second essay IS pretty unique… so I don’t know. You just never know with schools like Yale, so why not apply? You’re welcome. It was very carefully crafted. But mine is superior. Sorry.</p>

<p>I respectfully disagree. Maybe not so respectfully. Oh well.</p>

<p>Who DOESNT like Friends?</p>

<p>And I’m so getting rejected from Yale. Just you wait.</p>