<p>I'm applying to Upenn (Wharton) Early Decision
GPA: 3.97 unweighted
ACT: 35 (36 superscore)
APs: Chinese (5) Bio(5) Chem (4) Lang (4) BC Calculus (5) Physics (5)
Most rigorous courses possible, probably the top 3 most rigorous schedule at my school. 1 AP freshman, 2 AP sophomore, 3 AP junior, 3AP senior + multivariable calculus (psychology ap, stats ap, econ macro and micro ap)</p>
Marching band (4 years) section leader
Top orchestra and band for 4 years. So 3 music classes in total
Volunteer at top tier cancer lab at UCLA. Published 1 academic paper
California Scholarship Federation member since 7th grade
Paid tutor
Tutoring club president and DECA vice president
I'm first generation immigrant from China</p>
<p>youll get in… but your ecs are lame</p>
<p>yea i agree, ECs are weak, basically only music and 1 published paper.</p>
<p>I know it’s you jerry</p>
<p>Lololol jearbear!!!</p>
<p>LOL did you actually get a 35??</p>
<p>Same as some posts above, you have good stats and grades, but your EC’s are not as good as many of the applicants at Wharton.
Wharton: Reach</p>
<p>Yeah those bad ec’s…probably have to start looking at Santa Monica College. Sorry not sorry.</p>
<p>Wharton is a definite reach, I’m probably looking more at Tufts and WUSTL in regular decision. Or berkeley as a california school</p>
<p>Wharton’s definitely a reach for you. Sadly like all of the others above me have echoed, it’s because of your ECs. They’re not even average when compared to most Wharton applicants. That said, you can definitely make up for it with spectacular essays and killing your Wharton alum interview (hopefully you have the opportunity for one!) thereby showing who you are beyond your numbers
Good luck!</p>
<p>[Chance</a> Me Please!](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1569454-please-chance-me-will-chance-back.html]Chance”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1569454-please-chance-me-will-chance-back.html)</p>
<p>Idk man shimeister makes a good point</p>
<p>Honestly, those ecs suck</p>
Seriously. Community college is a high match.</p>
<p>I did some research on some schools that would fit your profile. ITT tech is a great choice for students who have poor EC’s like yourself. Arizona State is a reach for you.</p>