Wharton interview

<p>So i just got a call for an interview within 10 days after my application was submitted.</p>

<p>although this is great, i was wondering, how much weight do interviews actually hold?
i applied ED.
also, is there a selection process for interviews, i.e. only the "borderlines" get one, or the ones that "make the first cut"? or is it just comepletely random?</p>

<p>my interviewer is also a wharton alumni, which is the school where i applied. should i be prepared with more wharton-specific questions, or just upenn in general?</p>

<p>my resume is also 2 pages long, should i make a briefer one with just say the top 10 highlights about myself?</p>

<p>also! the election just passes, so im assuming that they MIGHT wonder who i supported? should i say that im a republican? </p>

<p>thanks!! im a bit nervous, but a good outgoing person so i hope it will be okay.</p>

<p>Question 1 - Small, but large if you are on the fence.</p>

<p>Question 2 - Has more to do with whether there are enough interviewers in your geographic area- had nothing to do with qualifications</p>

<p>Question 3 - Penn in general; but you can ask him Wharton questions to take advantage of his presence- it’s a good resource for you.</p>

<p>Question 4 - Depends on the interviewer; some will care; some would rather hear it straight from you in a conversation- I tend to think the interviewer’s job is to engage you, not go over your qualifications on paper - that is the Admissions Committee’s role.</p>

<p>Question 5 - It’s more important how you defend your choice than what the choice is.</p>