Wharton or CAS?

<p>I'm not entirely sure what to do as I don't really think I can get into Wharton but my cousin whose at Wharton right now says if I go to any of Penn's other schools I can potentially transfer in with a high gpa so...I guess I'll just post my stats and let CC help me with this..</p>

<p>Freshman GPA: 3.875W
Sophomore GPA: 4.25W
Junior GPA: 4.55W
Combined: 4.255W
SAT I: 2300
SAT II: Bio:740 (might just not mention it b/c of chem), Chem: 800, US Hist: 800, Math II: 800
Extracurriculars: 4 years of Band:Section Leader, heavily involved in Church ie give lessons at Sunday schools and rigorous 2 week training during the summer, Correspondent for newspaper and Science Team regional member </p>

<p>I also go to a competitive high school i guess? Silver Medal from USNews ranking with score of 50ish</p>

<p>so...apply to CAS or Wharton any help would be nice thanks!</p>

<p>i don’t think you are crazy competitive for wharton but you definitely have a chance…you have good scores and gpa obviously but im not sure how your essays/extracirriculars are gonna turn out</p>

<p>i think that if you know for sure you want to go to wharton, jsut apply there bcuz 1. transferring is hard, 2. they can usually tell when ppl apply to penn just to transfer (admiss director said)</p>

<p>then again, if you arent 100% sure about wharton, apply CAS…if you decide u wanna switch, work your butt off freshman year and get that 3.8 (i’ve heard about 80 transfer in every year?)</p>

<p>oh I forgot my Sr Sched
BC Calc
AP Euro
AP Psych
H Physics (my school doesn’t offer AP Physics, but its basically AP physics in all but name)
English IV</p>

<p>bump bump~~~~</p>

<p>All your SAT scores will be sent no matter what you say on your application.</p>

<p>____, doesnt mean they will consider it. i had a 630 in physics and got into wharton.</p>

<p>liquidrice, we really need to know about your ec’s to really give you a better opinion.</p>

<p>You have a 2300 and you don’t want to try for Wharton!?!?

<p>Honestly, CAS admissions are now just as capricious as Wharton, and have a very similar average SAT score. That said, you technically do have a better chance at getting into CAS, but I know 3 kids with your SATs and similar GPA who were rejected from CAS last year.</p>

<p>I think you should just try to do what want, which seems to be applying to Wharton.</p>

<p>i think my main extracurriculars are just band and my church. The majority of my time is spent on them. During marching band season I typically spend about 15 hours at band per week not including the practices done during school time. I have been playing flute for about 7 years and I am currently the section leader which includes responsibilities such as teaching the freshman marching techniques and helping them play the music. As for my church every saturday I attend my youth group meetings which are about 4 hours from 6-10 and on sundays I give lessons to the children in which we just go through the bible and I usually give them a craft. During the summer I attend a 2 week training which lasts around 12 hours per day including lunch dinner and a break time. From Church I’ve accumulated about 350 hours of community service. Everything else I do like science team and the newspaper aren’t really that important. I mean every few months I go to the meet and participate but it’s not really something I consider important to me the same with the newspaper. I just hope my commitment to my 2 major extracurriculars can outweigh my lack of number.</p>

<p>At this point both are going to be a crapshoot since you have no apparent hook for either Wharton or CAS. You should just apply to the school you really want and hope for the best!</p>

<p>If you aren’t even sure you want to go to Wharton, it’s best not to apply. Many students at Wharton turn down schools like HYPS because they have a very clear idea of what they want to do, and they know Wharton will give them a more career-focused education.</p>