<p>I am certain that i wanna do med and wanna skip over the Mcats. What are the best 7 year meds i can get into?</p>
<p>Sat(super): 2190
still plan to take ACTs</p>
<p>Sat 2s
Math 2: 800
History: 730
Chemistry: 690</p>
<p>Rank: 8 out of 365ish
(top 500 school in the nation)</p>
<p>GPA: 4.5 out of 4.6</p>
Part of NHS.
part of Science National honors society
part of spanish Honors Society
Interned at a doctors office (shadowed him pretty much)
Finalist in the American Mathematics Competition
Secretary of Junior statemen of Americe
500 volunteer hours (library, hospital, temple, and villagers in India)
Captain of Varsity Tennis team- varsity all 4 years
Varsity Swim team - 2 years
Plan to join EMT squad
and a few other things here and there</p>