What a game - SEC CHAMPS

<p>Couldn’t believe it.
D just called and the whole dorm is running to the Strip.</p>

<p>I am sure my son is on his way there also! ROLL TIDE! :-)</p>

<p>I nearly had a heart attack! RTR!</p>

<p>I think we all had multiple heart attacks. The Tide, on the other hand, just had heart. What an accomplishment!</p>

<p>The lads on the Georgia squad deserve our honor and respect. They were awesome.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>I’m used to watching the Lions lose in the last few minutes - I was sure Bama was going to lose it there. What a great game. Georgia was a tough competitor - could have gone either way. Roll Tide!</p>

<p>By the way - what a brilliant call by Saban to go for 2 after that early TD…it forced GA to go for a TD at the end.</p>

<p>Oh my…Bama has to be more considerate of the nerves of us old folks. We’re going to need to add extra insurance to our policies if this sort of thing keeps up. </p>

<p>Roll Tide! </p>

<p>Roll over the Fighting Irish! Leave 'em with only their shiny hats on their heads.</p>

<p>Dd (at a Big 10), DS, and hubby and I texted throughout the game. DD was the one who freaked out the most-haha! She is studying abroad in London next semester and discovered that a girl from Bama will be at the same university. She is going to contact her to ask if she wants to find a place to watch the BCS Championsip game. The Tide is infectious!</p>

<p>Bama mens volleyball team was driving home from a tournament at Georgia Southern, and stopped into a random Ruby Tuesday to watch. Should be a fun ride home now.</p>

<p>My best moment was seeing a close up of DD in her MDB uniform waving to the camera! Happy Birthday to her tomorrow!</p>

<p>It’s a sweet victory for those of us that live in Georgia! My DS said he was glad he would get to school on Monday. My DD at Bama had 25 friends in her apartment, so hopefully the apartment survived! Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Roll Tide, lots of screaming fans rolling in from upstate NY tonight!!!</p>

<p>Bama will actually deserve to be in the championship game this year. Congrats.</p>

<p>I am a third generation UA graduate, but I live in GA now and two of my three kids graduated from UGA. So DH and I watched (and cheered for Bama) without our kids. It was SOOOO hard to watch but what a fantastic game! I cannot sit still and watch games like that, so I got all Christmas gifts wrapped AND did a deep cleaning of my stove. :slight_smile: </p>


<p>^ Now I’ve seen everything</p>

<p>Meant to follow Slippy’s post. Would have if I hadn’t had to pick my jaw up off the floor before I could type a reply.</p>

<p>Bama will actually deserve to be in the championship game this year. Congrats.</p>

<p>Oh please. </p>

<p>So LSlose should have been able to play against Ok State so it might have had a chance to score a point or two and spend more than one play beyond the 50 yard line. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Wow, what a game!</p>

<p>I was on a plane and missed a good part of the game. In a way that was a good thing, as the LSU and TAMU games were about all my nerves could take. I checked the score as soon as we landed and breathed a big sigh of relief. I had on a Bama t-shirt and got a few Roll Tides and congrats on the SEC championship from the flight attendants on the way out. I’ll probably see a rerun on ESPN, but it’ll be easier to watch knowing the outcome!</p>

<p>You should have seen the Georgia player gouging Dee Milliner’s eye on the kickoff return in the fourth quarter, however Milliner got flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct. I agree Dial probably deserved to be flagged on the hit on Murray, but I honestly don’t think it was intentional, but the eye gouging clearly was!</p>

<p>Saw that; that was bad. Unfortunately it’s often the player that retaliates that gets flagged.</p>

<p>Guess whose panties must really be tied in a bunch now?</p>
