What affordable [<$20k] colleges are possible for my 2.8 student? [NY resident]

Hi, done the slow processing iep etc thing. Both kids had some issues. My daughter was like this. Both biofeedback and Developmental Optometry helped greatly. Had around same high school GPA. Once in college 3.8 at small Lacs. Just finished a post Bac and applying to graduate school 4.0…

I don’t see Lake forest meeting any of her wants /goals…

Check out https://ctcl.org/

Many Many great schools and many have help with learning disabilities.

My daughter started at Illinois Weslsyan but Finished at Beloit. Loved Beloit college and both are known to give aid /merit.


I guess 3 hours is not so far…just no train option which is a bummer. In my head Bing is far far far away, like Buffalo/Syracuse/Rochester all blend into one far away city for me. Ooops! :upside_down_face:

is the 2.8 weighted ? Or unweighted. I if it’s a 3 weighted it could help.

I don’t want to be negative but 2% of students at Bing had under a 3. Likely athletes. A great SAT doesn’t make up for grades vastly out of range.

There is no point to look at Bing or Stony. These are nationally recognized schools. Even a Cortland admits few kids under a 3 per CDS but there’s a little chance. Plattsburgh doesn’t have a CDS I can find.

There are OOS flagship you could get into but not at $20k.

Southern Illinois and Central Michigan don’t charge OOS tuition. But will be higher than 20 but worth a look.


Train to Albany? That’s an option.

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I was in rural NY last year and saw a confederate flag. That’s not just in the south.

There’s not as many anymore. I travel the south and Midwest for work It’s now, sadly more tied to people right wing.

You put out a profile that doesn’t yell merit aid and asked where can someone go ? I don’t know the environments of the other three. Asheville itself is left of NYC. And you can’t say love Plattsburgh but not rural. But I gave you four schools in NC that will answer your question and if you choose to you can investigate - where can you go for $20k. Not just one. I described the one I’m familiar with.

Anyway that was some ‘choice.’ You need choices or you’ll be at a less competitive SUNY, too expensive RIC, or perhaps a CC. Nothing wrong with that either.

Good luck.


3.7% of admits under a 3. How many were athletes ?

It’s a reach for OP. Worth applying but a reach.

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Thanks, will check it out!

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It seems like for both cultural and financial issues, you will be very happy at either a SUNY or a directional school in a nearby state. D22 (who also has processing issues) only looked at one school. She knew she’d get in and that it was where she wanted to go. While most in
our financial situation (we could afford to send her anywhere she wanted to go) would either overlook it or run the other way, she is getting an education that in many ways she could never get at a “prestige” school. Small class sizes allow the teachers to really get to know her (she was very overlooked in high school because she doesn’t fight for “air time”) and the racial and economic diversity are ensuring that she’s getting a “real” education (which we feel is very important to an education major).

Rather than UMaine, how about University of Southern Maine? Eastern Connecticut? UMass Boston? The smaller state schools often don’t have all the bells and whistles, but are both realistic and accessible for students with a 2.8 that might need some support.


I think she would consider Asheville- the issue is that it’s hard to get to NYC from Asheville and quite a schlep/drag.

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My son who hates sports chose Syracuse over ~10 other viable options :person_shrugging:. He does like the friendly vibe and school spirit even if he’s not into sports.

And he LOVES the diversity of people there. He’s not bothered at all by the city.


I agree the school looked pretty diverse. I just did not get the vibe in Syracuse at all- it was weird. I am glad your son is digging it.

Hadn’t thought about Southern Maine- that’s a good call.

Ignorant to how weighted/unweighted works…let me google it and I will return with an answer.

It’s not Asheville although Asheville has UNCA. More expensive. Out of budget. United flies to Newark and Delta to LGA.

When you are asking a school to take a student below their norms at a crazy low price, there are trade offs to be made.

At W Carolina 18.6% had under a 3. So that’s a realistic school. Only have heard good things but have only know education students. I’m guessing there are shuttles from Asheville. Or she can fly Charlotte and a friend give her a ride once she meets kids.


Lots of people don’t care for the city much, but it’s not something that bothers our kid or us at all. Most people do like the campus. The weather was a selling point for our kid. These preferences will vary by person for sure. As long as your kid is feeling it at the places on her list that’s good.

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I looked b4. Not close to $20k. Tuition alone over $26k so will be $40k plus.

What you need is your D’s unweighted GPA in core courses only (Eng, SS, Sci, Math, Foreign language) on a 4 point scale. Is it on her end of junior year transcript? If not, you can calculate it yourself using her transcript, again, looking at core courses only…any type of A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0. Add up all the points, divide by the number of classes included in the points.


Fair enough, but even a sub-3.0 should have reaches. And it sounds like there could be a compelling story of learning disability and upward trajectory since diagnosis and support. I agree, OP will def have to explore safeties, but you never know unless you try. And they’re all relatively close and affordable.

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We visited UNC Wilmington for that reason. Smaller state school, has diversity, smaller class sizes, but affordable even OOS


And again I suggest…if this student needs continued support on college, check the disabilities offices at the schools as well. And also check you kid’s IEP for the transition plan for post high school. This is required. What does it say?