What am I doing wrong?!

<p>Hey everyone,
I just finished my 2nd quarter at CC and I dont know why It was so hard. I started off getting 100% on all the midterms (MATH 1C, CHEM 1A, Physics 4a) BUT I'm pretty sure my grades will come out as B,B,A-. </p>

<p>So what am I doing wrong?!</p>

<p>I'm from a high schools thats top 40 in CA and did lots of AP calc, physics and biology and I came to CC prepared to work myself to the limit (which I think I did). </p>

<p>Did I choose the wrong teachers? My chem teacher supposedly gives out 8% As in each class.</p>

<p>I study everything in the book and do every single problem. I look over tests and lecture notes. What else is there to do??</p>

<p>Can someone please tell me what they think. I dont want to give up my dreams at ucla. =/
thanks if you respond.</p>

<p>Well I only just finished my first quarter but I came from a pretty good high school, did APs, honors etc. </p>

<p>When I got to cc I had to study differently because of the way the classes were. I’m an English major so for me I had to read stories/novels etc and do discussions. Instead of just reading information and regurgitating it out on test, I have to read, then review, and then make notes that I can study from. </p>

<p>Maybe you have to try studying differently? Have you talked to other people who are doing well in your classes? Maybe try forming a study group. Try going to your teacher’s office hours for help. </p>

<p>Hope this helps, if any. :]</p>

<p>Probably not thinking and/or not memorizing what you’re supposed to. If you’re getting B’s, it means you’re not doing homework and not solving every problem in the textbook. Speak with professors and ask them for study tips and what else you can do to get an A.</p>

<p>The whole exam system is not fair… I know ppl who are smart and study the day before and get good grade (for physics, reasoning class…) I am a memorize type of person and did poorly in physics (even though I did a lot of the exercise)
The thing I realize after my physic class is that, it’s all about how your brain works.</p>

<p>HMM well the thing is, I’m getting one of the highest scores in each class, on midterms. I look around and everyone has lower! It doesnt seem to make sense. The teachers even announce the top scores and mine is sometimes the same score. Do the teachers just not give out that many As? Does everyone else just get Cs?</p>

<p>Try talking to your teacher, we can’t comment on your class because none of us is in your class. I’m taking 23 units this semester with linear algebra and multivariable calculus and i’m on track to get a 4.0 . If you are doing every single problem in the textbook then there should be no reason to be getting a B. For example, you’re in math 1c so i presume thats the 3rd quarter of calculus. Can you prove stoke’s, gauss’, and green’s theorem? Do you understand the relationship between surface integrals and line integrals and how the theorems of vector calculus are generalizations of the fundamental theorems of calculus? those are the type of things that you should be able to do in order to get A’s.</p>

<p>Hmm yeah I can do most of those things. I seroiusly do every problem in the book at least 3 times. </p>

<p>Next quarter I’m only taking two classes: chem1b and bio6a. I’ll be studying for them with 100% effort. I should be able to get two As. I think.</p>

<p>I had the exact same schedule as you this quarter, and had to do things a little different than usual to keep straight a’s. One thing in particular was finding alternate resources other than just the text and assigned homework to learn the material. A good example of that was having to get this book called “3000 solved problems in physics” as our problems from our assigned homework were horrible. It was such a helpful resource, being able to just jump to an entire set of problems for whatever “technique” etc I was trying to learn, I bought the same book for calc. problems. Find resources like these and it can really help you.</p>

<p>haha I got pretty much straight As, my bad everyone.</p>