What am I going to do?

<p>okay, so I need ECON 3130 for my major. ECON 1110 is not required for the major but it is a PREREQUISITE and I have not taken it...</p>

<p>Since 3130 and 1110 are covering the same topics, just from different perspectives (quantitative vs. qualitative), can I take 3130 and still get an A without too much trouble if i skip 1110? How much catching up will I need to do? </p>

<p>Has anyone taken 3130 without taking 1110? </p>

<p>Thanks so much!</p>

<p>All I’m going to say is: If there is a recommended prerequisite, the “recommended” part usually falls out. But as for that specific course…</p>

<p>Take the prerequisite. How much more time and money will this cost you to graduate? Avoid the real world at all costs! Trust me - it’s madness out here. Stay in school as long as humanly possible!</p>

<p>Why not just take 301?</p>

<p>it’s only offered in the fall and i don’t want to wait that long…especially since i have room for another class this semester.</p>

<p>i think you should take econ 1110. it’s an intro class, but a lot is covered in that class. if you take econ 3130 without taking econ 1110, be prepared to teach a lot of key concepts of micro to yourself, since a lot of basic things are glossed over with the assumption that you already learned it in 1110. i think it’s possible to skip prereqs if your professor and your advisor let you.</p>

<p>What major are you? How good are you with calculus?</p>

<p>Yeah, a lot of the concepts in Econ 3130 are multivariable calculus based. </p>

<p>And those concepts are applied to microeconomic situations. If you have no idea one way or the other of either of these, I don’t know how you can expect to do well in the course.</p>

<p>what’s your major? if you still want to take intermediate micro, and ECON 3130 isn’t REQUIRED (in the sense that you can take any intermediate micro class and that’d be okay for your major), try PAM 2000.</p>

<p>it won’t let you get into a lot of other higher econ classes that might have put ECON 3130 as a prereq, but it’s a wayyyy easier class. you don’t do any calculus and a lot of the principles of micro things are repeated in lecture for those who “forgot” them.</p>