<p>1) Last night I submitted my application to JHU my official dream school <em>sighs</em> via commonapp.org, but it had said before in the payments section that if I had a fee waiver request that wasnt NACAC or something like that or wasnt a college board request (it would be in the option 'other'), then I should select that option afterv submitting the application. </p>
<p>After submitting it I went back to that payments section and no longer saw an option that said "other". What am I to do now because I already mailed them my fee waiver along with my transcripts (same package) so will they see that and still process my app or what? What should I do because I'm a little panicky and have other apps to submit.</p>
<p>2) My teachers submitted their recs and my guidance counsellor opted to do it by paper because the school's records are on peper. So why is it that I cannot submit my recs? I don'tsee a submit option there at all. My GC mailed off my transcripts and rec before she told commonapp that she will submit by paper. Does she need to actually print theforms using the links they give or something?</p>
<p>1). I don’t think it should be a problem. I’m sure they’ll get all the parts and it’s better if you send them all together. If your app is not complete the school will send you a letter telling you what they’re missing.
2). Do you have to mail those separately?</p>
<p>I mailed everything together…fee waiver, GC rec, transcipt and any other oficial docs I was sending off</p>
<p>Hmm, I did not do any online applications but maybe you could send the recs to the school maybe with a note that you did not see where to submit them online. You could call them and ask them if there is a spot on the online part to submit the recs?</p>
<p>Don’t worry about whether commonapp.org says the recs are submitted. If your counselor sent them, JHU will receive and process them, but commonapp.org will never say they’re submitted; there’s no way to close the loop when forms are mailed in. It makes absolutely no difference to your application.</p>
<p>geek_son’s counselor mailed all the school forms – transcript, SSR, letters of recommendation. He was admitted to his ED school with merit aid. On commonapp.org, his school forms still show as “not submitted.”</p>
<p>As to the fee waiver, if JHU accepts the kind of fee waiver you sent in, you’re good to go. Again, they’re not going to report to commonapp.org that they received your fee waiver.</p>
<p>They’ll download your application forms from commonapp.org and combine those to make a file with your school forms, test scores, and fee waiver. If anything is missing from that file, they’ll contact you to let you know your application is incomplete and ask you to send the missing documents. If you need the peace of mind, you can call their Admissions Office in a couple of weeks and ask whether your file is complete.</p>
<p>Good luck on your application! In the meantime, relax and enjoy the holidays.</p>
<p>Oh… and /you/ didn’t see any place to submit your recommendations online because /you/ aren’t supposed to submit them; that’s for your teachers and counselor. But since everything’s been mailed, you should be in good shape.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for all your help I feel so much better now. I think I’ll wait for them to contact me because JHU already downloaded my app.</p>