<p>I am going to be a Senior next year (class of 2012)</p>
<p>Please help me. I am taking AP econ, AP art history, and Ap eng lit along with AP Calc, AP Physics B. I really want to take Comp SciIn order for me to take AP Comp sci i would have to drop the art history class(which is during school) replace it with Comp Sci and sign up for AP art history online. </p>
<p>Do you think this is too demanding?
Is art history better off taken in school? What's your opinion?
I am also self studying for the AP Psychology Exam.</p>
<p>i still plan on having a life (running cross country in fall and wrestling in december). </p>
<p>What should i do?
should i just keep my schedule as is physics, calc, eng lit, econ, art history in school or should i change it to physics, calc, eng lit, econ, and comp sci in school, with art history online?</p>
<p>Please help, as i only have two days before school gets out to talk to my counselor about this. URGENT URGENT URGENT!</p>
<p>What do you plan on majoring in? Which teacher is better? Which interests you more?</p>
<p>Im looking at majoring in the sciences (probably some sort of chemistry) but i do have a love for the humanities. </p>
<p>please help me with some advice.</p>
<p>we have basically the same schedule and im also going to be a senior next year ^^
im taking AP art, AP Calc, AP physics b and AP English Lit. I play varsity squash and run cross country. I also volunteer and peer tutor.
I also am looking for a major in the sciences but I love writing and I love art so that’s why the AP art and AP lit are in there :)</p>
<p>People from my school and on CC say that Art History is a demanding class and its hard to self study it. Its a discussion and understanding oriented class and its best if there is a legitimate class and teacher available to help you through it.
I’d say drop AP comp sci if you want a science major and like humanities. I personally think its a boring and useless class unless you want to do something in this field in college.</p>
<p>keep it the way it is ^^
…oh… you wanted this by the 27th lol …
so what’d you choose? XD</p>
<p>Sorry for taking so long to reply,
cookiemonster- i Kept it as Lit, Art Hist, Calc AB, Physics B, Mac/Mic Econ and am definitely self studying Psych. </p>
<p>I have an AP Human Geo (Barrons book) that i got for free, its a 2011 edition barely used, and I am now deciding on whether or not i want to self study it. </p>
<p>Do ya’ll think i should add on studying for Human Geo, or should i just focus on putting everything into my other classes/exams?</p>
<p>P.S. Thanks for your input cookiemonster</p>
<p>You’re welcome 
I think you should keep it the way it is and focus on doing well in these. Especially since its your senior year and you’d want to have a light or easy going load.
Hope it helps^^</p>