Most schools say you need to choose a major and some say you can not change. Right now I am in between computer science and Business Undecided. I need help choosing one.
I am a Senior.
I am a girl.
I am in Ap Computer Science now.
I have not the best Math Sat Scores, but really good english sat scores.
I am only in Pre-Calculus Honors right now.
Would it be realistic to major in Computer science for me.
Is there a way to major in computer science and not have a large emphasis in math???
I want to major in computer science and focus on programming not math related stuff.
Please let me know!! I need to decide my major by next week.
colleges I’m applying to maybe ::
University of Portland
Santa Clara University
Chico State
UC Santa Barbara
Cal Poly-SLO
San Diego State University
UC Santa Cruz
Loyola Marymount University
New York University
Syracuse University
Boston University
It does not matter that you want to do programming, most schools will be fairly math intensive for CS. Expect to take Calculus 1,2,3, Linear Algebra, Discrete Math, Statistics to name some of the Math courses. I suggest you look up the school CS course curriculum to see what is required.
I made some suggestions on your other thread.
You don’t need to know much to learn college level computer science, but there is some basic math involved. I would advise looking into the specific programs at each college and see if they match your interests. Look at the courses offered, and if you can, check out the typical class schedule for that major.
For example, I know that College of Arts and Science (aka CAS) at NYU is a B.A. degree and studies draw more from social studies and humanities, whereas the computer science program at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering is a B.S. degree and is more STEM focused because of the school’s polytechnic background and focused more in the science/engineering disciplines.
Hope this helps!! I’m also applying to NYU (Tandon) btw, as a computer science major 
You could consider CIS (Computer Information Systems)/IT/IS which has CS and Business type courses so the best of both worlds.
Information Systems
Information systems specialists focus on integrating information technology solutions and business processes to meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises, enabling them to achieve their objectives in an effective, efficient way. This discipline’s perspective on “Information Technology” emphasizes information, and sees technology as an instrument to enable the generation, processing and distribution of needed information. Professionals in this discipline are primarily concerned with the information that computer systems can provide to aid an enterprise in defining and achieving its goals, and the processes that an enterprise can implement and improve using information technology. They must understand both technical and organizational factors, and must be able to help an organization determine how information and technology-enabled business processes can provide a competitive advantage.
You still need to take several Math courses for this major but not as Math-intensive as a CS degree.
Here is a link for SDSU’s Business admin-Information Systems major 4 year course to give you an idea:!mymap.disp/!mymap.disp
Link for SLO’s IS program:
UCSC has an Information Technology/Managment :
UCSB does not offer these type of programs. I suggest you look at the course curriculum’s of all schools of interest to see if you can handle the math involved.
Good Luck.
@NCalRent super score 1300
math 590
english 710
weighted GPA 3.91 (without senior year grades)
Weighted GPA, is that your UC/CSU GPA? What is your UW GPA? Cal Poly SLO also uses 9-11th grades in the their GPA calculation while the rest of the UC’s and CSU’s will use only 10-11th grades.
Do you plan to take the Math 2 Sat subject test since it is recommended by several of the UC’s for CS?
What is your SAT scores not superscored since UC’s only take the highest total from a single sitting?
Assuming that is your CSU GPA. For CS, you are well qualified for all but Cal poly SLO. You will probably get into UCSC but not UCSB.