What are my chances as a transfer apllicant from another Ivy?

<p>I want to transfer to Harvard this year because I think it's curriculum is better suited for my interests. I am currently attending an Ivy League school. Below are my stats. What do you think my chances are?</p>

<p>College GPA: 3.9
High School GPA: 95/100
SAT: 2300+
SAT IIs: mid 700s
Several APs taken in high school (maybe 9 or 10)
Involved heavily in 2 on-campus groups</p>

<p>Thanks everyone :)</p>

<p>Depends on how Harvard’s better suited for your interests. If you can make a compelling case for that, you have a reasonable chance, but the transfer acceptance rate hovers at less than 3%, so everyone’s chances are very low. The transfer applicant pool, I’ve heard, is very good, so accepted students tend to be either Olympic/national-caliber athletes or have very good stories for why Harvard.</p>

<p>How exactly is the curriculum better suited to your interests, and what is your current school failing to do?</p>