My stats -
Gender - Male
Ethnicity - Indian
SAT - 1560
W GPA - 5.0
UWGPA - 3.8
Subject SAT -Physics and Math 2 - 800
5 AP’s completed - three 5’s and two 4’s
5 AP’s in Senior year
EC -
Played Varsity Tennis for two years and 1 year JV (have been playing for 6 years)
Won several tournaments
Member of a few clubs in high school (Science Olympiad and Loudspeakers)
Volunteer at the local library and interact club
Internships (Johnson and Johnson and another company over the summer)
Play piano and do coding in spare time
I am applying to the following colleges -
Reach -
- UT Austin
- U Mich
- Berkeley
- Stanford
thanks for your guidance