What are my chances at a medical program?

<p>any feedback to my recent last note on 06-13-11 ?</p>

<p>Brown is reach for being an Ivy and if considering PLME, it gets much harder.</p>

<p>NW HPME- you really do need much higher scores (at least 780 in both math II and chemistry). It is still a major reach for everyone irrespective of what you hear on CC.<br>
I dont know much about Case although I hear it is competitive.
BU - You need a language SAT according to their website to apply for combined. You may stand a good chance there but I hear it is quite popular.</p>

<p>GWU BA/MD is extremely competitive- more than 700 applicants for ~20 places.</p>

<p>You should also look into the actual undergrad school the program is in. Are you sure you want to spend 4 years at PennState or GW? And like the others said, Can you see yourself staying at the same institution for 7/8 years total? If you can answer these without any qualms, then go for it.
Also, all the programs are extremely competitive, HOWEVER, for most of them you are sending in a DUAL APPLICATION. You are applying to the undergrad AND med school at the same time essentially. So even if you get rejected from the med school, you have a chance of getting in to the school in undergrad.
Your stats are quite good, the only thing is that from my knowledge, not all the programs are looking for students who SOLELY want to do science in college. I know that USC’s BA/MD (even though it’s not on your list) actually prefers students who plan on majoring outside of medical-related science. Plus, if you have a guaranteed place in med school, why not use your time in undergrad majoring in something esoteric and interesting, or to be safe double major.</p>

<p>Northwestern and Brown are very very high reaches. My mother applied 20something years ago with super high stats and was offered admittance to many schools including a few 6 year med programs, a full scholarship to WUSTL, and a full scholarship to Northwestern. And she’d been dedicated to medicine for years. Yet she didn’t get into Brown or Northwestern for their med programs (the only 2 med programs she didn’t get accepted to). They’ve only gotten even more competitive since then.</p>

<p>Bottom line what are my chances if I apply to direct medical school programs ?, and where will I have better chances, list them if you can, appreciate it.</p>

<p>Again bottom line what are my chances if I apply to direct medical school programs ?, and where will I have better chances, list them if you can, appreciate it.</p>

<p>Very good stats so a good chance.
Also, most of the programs are non binding so you can apply to other med schools.</p>

<p>What direct medical programs I would be able to get selected with my current stats. </p>

<p>Please list them if you can, and what are the ones has chances, and ones has no chances</p>

<p>Also received SAT Biology - 660, Chemistry - 690, Math - 700, Literature - 720.</p>


<p>Hi. I am applying to similar programs. I’m really interested in medicine, and I can tell that you are too. With that being said, they are all very competitive. So, even with a high ACT score (which is just the first step before the interview…where they filter out all the underachievers), you would need to show a strong interest in medicine. Therefore, no one truly knows your chances. You will likely get an interview at most of these schools if you write strong essays. From there, it’s up to you to show your passion. </p>

<p>Can you chance me for similar programs…
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1173642-new-member-chance-me-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1173642-new-member-chance-me-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>are my stats good enough for direct medical school admission program, if so which ones have good chances ?</p>

<p>Your EC’s are REALLY good, but your SAT II’s are REALLY weak. Your biology, math, and Chemistry should be 760+. You should probably retake all of those exams. Don’t let me discourage you though. You have the best EC’s I’ve ever seen, but they might not make up for the low SAT II’s.</p>

<p>With those Scores
Scale of 1-5----5 being very good chances.</p>

<p>Brown: 2-depends on your essays
Boston University: 3
University of Rochester:1

<p>I am planning to re-take Math and Chemistry in Oct so to score well above, otherwise what are other direct medical programs I can get into other than the above mentioned ?</p>


<p>Please list the direct medical programs that I will be able to get into for sure with my stats.</p>

<p>Anyone there please respond to my previous request ?</p>

<p>no respoonse to my previous request yet ?</p>

<p>Please list the direct medical programs that I will be able to get into for sure with my stats. Haven’t seen any recent postings on this ?</p>

<p>Also received my SAT Math level-2 - 800, and Chemistry - 770 scores.</p>

<p>Can you please let know what are my chances to the direct medical programs atleast guaranteed ones ?</p>

<p>any update on my previous requests made ?</p>