<p>GPA: 4.1 (Chem honors, precalc honors, ap us history, ap biology, ap chemistry, chinese 4 honors)
SAT 1: 2040
SAT 2: Chem-720 History-710
AP: Chem 4 </p>
<p>EC: varsity tennis team, Certificate of Merit Panel (36 people out of all of California chosen), 200+ hrs of community service, interned one summer at a pharmaceutical company doing lab work</p>
<p>UCSD - Match
UCSB - Match/Safe Match
UCI/UCD - Safe Match
UCSC/UCR - Safety
UCM - Super Safety</p>
<p>As for UCB and UCLA you gpa and sat's are good enough so I say Slight Reach bc you never know with those two schools. I personaly think you will get into 1 of them, so just keep up the good work.</p>