What are my chances at Cal Poly SLO

I’m from SLO and have attended school here my whole life, I’m not sure whether that helps or not.
I’m applying to animal science major
I have:
6 years of math (Up to AP Stats and AP Calc AB)
5 years of english
3 years of foreign language
4 years of lab science:
3 years of biological science
1 year of physical science
3.5 years of electives
1 year of visual and performing arts
My Cal Poly SLO GPA is 3.83 (3.88 not including freshman year)
My ACT is a 31, but I should get scores for the October one tonight, so hopefully it went up
I have 21+ hours of community service/week
6-10 hours of work
I have/will have taken 9 APs, and almost entirely Honors courses except Freshman year and college prep chemistry
What are my chances? Thank you so much!

Calculate your MCA score. See link and post # 52

My MCA is 5021, I think

You look like a very competitive applicant so best of luck.

Okay, thank you so much :slight_smile:

Have you been involved in FFA at your school? The advisors at SLOHS, AGHS, and Nipomo HS have special relationships with the admissions for Animal Science. I, personally, was accepted long ago for Animal Science based solely on my FFA experience, with a 3.2 and horrible SAT scores, so definitely use your residency to your advantage.

I haven’t been, I transferred from another school that was very traditional, and didn’t have many electives so I didnt get the chance to get involved. I have over 200 hrs/ year of volunteering with animals though, but unfortunately they don’t ask about that…

I agree with Gumbymom. I think you have a good chance! Best of luck!