What are my chances at getting into Virgina Tech engineering?

I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on my chances at getting into Virginia Tech engineering. I’m in state, my SAT is 1330 (700 math 630 English).

Extracurriculars: Varsity soccer(10,11,12) and captain (12), TSA Sargent at Arms (11), TSA Vice President (12), chess club, Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, key club, beta club, travel soccer. I will graduate with 28 college credits becasue I am doing a dual enrollment program with VCU. My gpa is 4.17 weighted and 3.89 unweighted. I had an A in VCU Physics, VCU Chemistry, and VCU calculus.

Please let me know what you think of my chances.

You can look here at HARD data for this year’s freshman class (updated today) and see where your stats fit into the average engineering admit.


choose “2018”, “college summary” and “engineering”

this will tell you how your grades and scores fit in. However be warned. Every year, “perfect fit” students in terms of grades and scores find out they don’t get accepted. So there’s no way to know until you get your acceptance or rejection letter. The hard facts are that the college just can’t accept every single application for engineering. Just like Harvard can’t accept every single 4.0 1600 applicant. There are too many strong students vying for few spaces.

My best advice to you is the advice I gave both my kids. Find 3 colleges that you LOVE. They are out there. With 3000+ colleges in America, there are more than 1 perfect fit. Find three you are totally excited about and then you won’t be disappointed!!!

@anne_shirley The voice of reason, as always. Let’s hope posters actually listen. College admissions is fickle and unpredictable. Not a job I would want for anything.

I don’t like giving chances because I’m no expert, but you look like a solid candidate.

Keep in mind that VT moved away from their in-house application to the Coalition App for the first time this year. This will have the effect of additional applicants and tougher competition. For example, just a few years ago Georgia Tech had a 60% acceptance rate (yes 60%!). Then they moved to the Common App, now their acceptance rate is hovering just above 20%…and it’s still the same school.

So definitely take the advice of @anne_shirley and @bboop42 and do your research and apply to several schools.

Good luck!

Should I take the SAT again in December to boost my english score to increase my chances?

There’s nothing wrong with your english score. My daughter got in with the exact same english score the year before last.

Agree you look like a solid candidate. I wonder, however, with 28 college credits would you be considered a “transfer” student". Be sure to check with admissions.

into engineering?