What are my chances at GW

Hi, I am extremely interested in applying to George Washington University.

I am a junior in high school
Gpa: 4.11 (Mostly honors, so far 3 AP)
PSAT: 1260
Key Club / President
Best Buddies / Officier
Debate team
Students against drunk driving
Spreading sunshine (community service)
National Honors Society

However, sophomore year I took 2 honors math classes and earned a C- and a C+ for semester 1. Semester 2 I got B’s in both classes. The rest of my grades are mostly A’s and a few B’s including As in my APs.

Can anyone tell me what you think my chances are? All input is appreciated, thank you!!

I also want to apply early decision

What is your intended major?

Polisci hopefully @NHuffer

(Also my uw gpa is a 3.7)

I think your stats are right in-line with many accepted students, so you’re a match for GW. Make sure to write a great essay, though, that conveys your interest in GW and what the school offers you for your aspirations that other schools don’t.

Good luck!