<p>Hey, I Just Wanted To Know If Anyone Was Familiar With Pace University In New York City. I Just Want To Know If Anyone Could Tell Me If It Is A Safety, Or Good Match(50/50 Chance)</p>
<p>Age/ethnicity/gender: 17 Year Old, Hispanic, Male</p>
<p>I Have A 3.3 Unweighted Gpa, (3.9 Weighted)
Sat I: 1130 (1710)</p>
<p>H. And Ap Classes: Honors Chem. (11), Honors Spanish (9-11), Hon. Symphony (10-12), Ap Us History (11), Ap English Comp. (11), Ap Spanish (12), Ap English Lit. (12)</p>
<p>Ec: Stars, Humanities Honor Society, Tri-m Music Honor Society, Drama</p>
<p>Safety/Very good match. I wouldn't worry about getting in if I were you.</p>
<p>I don't think that you need to worry at all. Did you look at the other undergrad campus in Westchester? I hope that you are applying to more than one school though.</p>
<p>Yea I Saw The Other Campus Too, But I Like The City Vibe Better, I Don't Really Like It Up State. Well Thanks Guys, It's Not The Only School I'm Applying To But It Is My Number One Choice, I Think It Is A Really Good School. I Just Hope I Get In.</p>
<p>Just wondering, how come you capitolize (sp?) the first letter of every word? It's kinda annoying to read it, lol</p>
<p>sorry, i had the keyboard on caps lock so when i typed up the post it looked all capital letters, but after i posted it, the post came out automatically with the first letter of each word capitalized.</p>