What are my chances at Purdue CS [IN resident, 3.24 GPA, 1480 SAT, 34 ACT]


  • US domestic
  • State/Location of residency: Indiana
  • Type of high school: Public
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: White

Intended Major(s)
Computer Science

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.24
  • Weighted HS GPA (on a 5 point scale): 4.173
  • ACT/SAT Scores:
    SAT: 1480 (780 math, 700 English)
    ACT: 36 math, 36 science, 33 english, 31 reading

AP scores:
5: Physics 1, Physics C Mechanics, Stats, Computer Science Principles, Calc BC
4: Psychology, Environmental science, Physics C E&M
3: World History
Perfect score on the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

Almost all honors or AP, mostly A’s in STEM courses, a couple of C’s in English courses (why the GPA is bad) Took AP Physics 1 and Calc BC as a sophomore and scored 5 on both. Took both Physics C as a junior. Currently taking Linear Algebra and Calc 3 dual credit.

Perfect score on the AP Computer Science Principles Exam

10+ years of piano, 2 years at a prestigious piano summer camp, captain of science olympiad at a large school (3 years), 2 years of robotics,

Very strong letters of recommendation
Pretty strong essay

Purdue is my top choice, but I would like to know what other CS schools I might have a good chance at.

Do you have a cost concern ?

Better odds at IU.

You have a chance at many schools but it depends on geographic flexibility, cost desires, etc

I imagine Purdue will be tough for CS but apply and find out.

In the meantime, give us more of what you’re looking for.

I can’t chance you, but your HS GPA is below the 25%ile of Purdue’s Class of 2026. I expect CS student GPAs were higher. Freshman Class Profile - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University

What does your HS GC say Re:Purdue chances? If your HS uses Naviance or Scoir, look at those scattergrams for historical admission data from your HS.

In terms of other school recommendations, I agree with tsbna that IU is more likely. Do you have any budget constraints? Are you considering small to medium size schools?

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Rose Hulman staying instate looks at weighted and mostly science /math scores.


What is your budget? We’ll have a much easier time recommending other CS schools with that info.

I agree that you should apply to CS at IU. Both IU and Purdue are an incredible value for in-state students.

Are you a senior right now? It is crucial to get your app into Purdue by the EA deadline.

I think you’ll get admitted to Purdue, but not necessarily to the CS major. It’s just super competitive. Are you putting down a 2nd choice major? The in-state students I know who have applied to CS have mostly been denied for traditional CS and instead offered CS-adjacent majors in the Purdue Polytechnic Institute. The name is a bit of a misnomer. You should think of it as a college offering majors that are less theory-based, and are more applied. It’s like the difference between traditional Engineering and Engineering Technology degrees. You’ll have to decide if you’re interested in such programs, or if you’d rather study traditional CS at a different institution should you not be admitted to the CS major at Purdue.


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