What are my chances at RU nursing or TCNJ nursing?

Im applying to nursing school. My unweighted GPA is quite low, a 3.2, due to health problems that occurred in my soph/junior year. I believe my weighted GPA should be approximately a 3.4 however I am not sure. My freshman year GPA was significantly higher and my first ACT practice test score is a 31. I believe in two months, I can raise it to a 33. Also, I scored an 1840 on my first SAT and am taking my second one next month. My recent practice tests have been borderline 2000. Now that my health problems have been resolved, I believe I can maintain straight A’s during my senior year. I have also taken AP/honors classes, and I have a significant amount of extracurriculars. (Girl Scouts, dancing, singing, volunteering etc)

Do you think I have a chance?

Some applications provide you with space to explain any special circumstances. I would explain your health problems. For colleges that look closely at applications, they give preference to the later grades. In any case, apply to a wide range of programs, including ones that are BOTH an admissions and a financial safety.

what is TCNJ? Ive seen this school mentioned several times but can’t figure out the full name. Thanks

The College of New Jersey-used to be Trenton State College.

the name change took place nearly twenty years ago.