What are my chances at these colleges? I feel like most of them are reaches

I feel like I applied to all reach schools, academic wise. I’m applying to Indiana University Bloomington, Michigan State University, Chapman University, University of Pittsburgh, Loyola University Chicago, Colorado State University, and Temple University. I already got into Saint Louis University for a still deciding major in the Doisy College of Health Sciences. My GPA is pretty low but I feel like my EC’s and essays are solid.
I am majoring in Kinesiology/Exercise Science so I can either become an Occupational or Physical Therapist.
I’m a white kid that comes from California that can speak, read, and write Mandarin (Chinese), can read and write Spanish, and Cantonese (Chinese) is spoken at home.
My Extracurriculars are club captain for the best soccer team in my area, I’ve had 2 internships as a youth counselor (In 1 internship, I was voted best youth counselor), I buy and sell limited shoes (indicated that I made 638.5% profit margin in first 9 months of selling), I had a job at my school cafeteria as the cashier, I’ve played the piano my whole life, I’ve only done like 12 hours of community service for a food pantry, and I have been sailing/racing in the SF Bay most of my life.
My Weighted GPA is 2.95 (I know, it’s low). And I’m not submitting test scores. I also haven’t taken any AP’s or honors.
I got a high school counselor recommendation letter and a recommendation letter from a teacher that I am close with. I was supposed to receive a recommendation letter from my coach, but he never followed through.
My personal statement prompt is that one about an event/realization that started a period of growth or whatever. I talked about how my dad had an alcohol problem, and how I was always worried about him, then I talk about how I stopped caring whether he was sober or not after he relapsed on my 14th birthday. And from that point on I started worrying more about myself, and not him. I feel like all my supplementary essays were solid too.
I write in my additional info how I have improved as a student when the pandemic hit, and how I incorporated new study techniques. I prove that statement with my second-semester junior year grades and first-semester senior year grades. So I ended with an upward grade trend.
I also took 3 courses at a local community college for Chinese. I withdrew my grade from the first course, in the second course I got a C, and in the third course, I got a B.
What do you think my chances are of getting into these colleges? Please answer truthfully. Thank you, I appreciate it.

Loyola may be a decent chance as the rest of your app is interesting.

SLU is a great school so you have at least one nice option already.

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Have you talked with your parents about budget? Have you run the NPC with them to make sure they’re all affordable?
You should add safeties indeed.
Suggestions (run the NPC): SUNY Cortland, Slippery Rock university, University of Southern Maine, Capital Ohio, Ohio University, Pacific Lutheran, Plymouth State, Truman State…

Yeah, I was surprised I got into SLU. I had a decent interview with them and I demonstrated a lot of interest.

I feel like since I already got into SLU, I don’t really need to apply to a safety. Thanks for the suggestion though!

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Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention I think I had a great interview with Chapman University. And I am applying for no financial aid.

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And yes, I talked to my parents about my budget. I didn’t apply for FAFSA.

You are right! You don’t need further safeties.

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you may like other colleges better, or they may be slightly less expensive, and in the Spring you may like to have a real choice, even if you end up attending SLU. Students like to have 2 safeties so that if it all goes south, they aren’t “forced” to pick that one safety but rather can, like all their classmates, consider their choices.
Now obviously you should apply to colleges you like as much as SLU and/or that bring you something SLU doesn’t.
For instance, University of Southern Maine and Capital Ohio are in nicer cities/nicer parts of the city than SLU (Portland, Maine is really cool, and Columbus is a great city AND college town).
Pacific Lutheran is closer to home, in case you don’t want to be too far (Seattle U, U Puget Sound, Linfield, and St Mary’s of California would be other colleges that’d allow you to stay on the West Coast.)
Fingers crossed for Chapman - low course rigor with a 2.95 weighted may be a bit difficult, despite great achievements outside of class. Chapman’s average GPA is 3.77 (weighted, I assume, but that’s quite a bit higher than yours) so that’s a definite reach. Hopefully the great interview made them want to take a chance on you.

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I get your point. SLU was actually my number 1 choice, but I didn’t get into the physical therapy program, so that’s a shame. I was also given a Billiken scholarship ($10,000 annually), so I think I would be more than happy attending SLU. Once again, thank you for your suggestion!


Thank you! I appreciate your kind words regarding Chapman!

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