What are my chances at transferring to SUNY Geneseo?

<p>I got accepted for Spring 2010 at Stony Brook, Oneonta and New Paltz. I applied as a transfer with a 3.16 GPA from Buffalo State College (with 24 credits at that time). I also have weak HS grades of a 1060/1600 SAT and 2.8 GPA. </p>

<p>My GPA at Buffalo State College will be over a 3.4 GPA by the end of the semester, lets say I got my act together over this last year. The website says that their minimum is 3.0. </p>

<p>I don't know what to do. Should I transfer out now to either one of those schools that accepted me, or should I apply for Fall 2010 with a stronger 3.4 GPA(with 36 credits by then). I also don't really care what I major in, either history or certification for social studies or philosophy, whatever helps me to get into Geneseo. </p>

<p>I'm happy that I got accepted to Stony Brook, but after visiting the campus I think I like small rural type schools more then big research schools. </p>

<p>Do I have a sure shot at Geneseo for Fall 2010 transfer with a 3.4 GPA? If not, should I just leave Buff State now? I really don't like it here and I'd only stay another semester if it gave me a really good shot at getting into Geneseo in as a transfer for Fall 2010.</p>

<p>It is much easier to get into Geneseo as a transfer student then it is as a freshman. I think you would have a better shot with a GPA of around 3.4. Is your goal to become a teacher?</p>

<p>Give New Paltz a strong consideration. It has become really competitive and has moved up in the SUNY ranks. It offers a lot and the location is great. If you have any questions about the school I would be happy to answer them. My son is a transfer student there.</p>

<p>I’m very interested in the housing for off campus, I didn’t get on campus because I’m a transfer, how is the off campus housing that the school sets up?</p>

<p>I want to get certified to teach social studies, but I also havn’t made up my mind if I want to go a business or legal route before teaching.</p>

<p>I’d suggest speaking with Admissions. Their webpage says they are willing to meet with prospective transfers and discuss their chances. That should give you the most accurate indication. I’d also suggest doing this quickly as you’ll need to register for classes regardless of your path. If Geneseo is your top choice, and it sounds like it is, then by all means make an appointment and go see them!</p>

<p>There is a lot of off campus housing available in the village which is mostly within walking distance to the school and town. My son is living in a townhouse complex with all transfer students. The best way to find housing is to utilize the schools housing board or Craigs List. As the semester nears there are lots of landlords and students looking to fill their houses and apartments. If you would like advice as to particular housing please feel free to PM me.</p>

<p>I have plenty of friends who graduated from Geneseo and are teachers throughout New York State. School districts in New York like Geneseo graduates because of the preparation they receive at Geneseo.</p>