What are my chances at UC Berkeley?

<p>I'm a California resident who is applying to several UCs as well as a lot of stretch schools. </p>

<p>I go to a small elite private school (last year, half the students got into either a UC, and Ivy, or Stanford; also, 63% of them were National Merit semifinalits). </p>

<p>My GPA:
Unweighted: 3.8
Weighted: 4.2</p>

<p>(in the UC app, that's all A's except for two B's.)
However, I am expecting this year's grades to have a few B's, which I know is a bad sign. </p>

<p>No school ranking, but I doubt I'm in the top 10% or anything.</p>

<p>SAT I:
Math: 720
Crit R: 770
Verbal: 790
Total: 2280</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math IIC: 800
Latin: 800
Biology: 770</p>


Math II
Physical Science
Latin III (honors)
English I
World Civilizations
Beginning Dance</p>

Math III (honors)
Latin IV (AP)
English II
Western Civilizations
Intermediate Dance

Math IVA (honors)
Biology (honors)
Latin V (AP)
English Seminar (honors)
US History (honors)
Intermediate Dance / Advanced Vocal Ensemble</p>

Math VAB (AP)
AP Chemistry (AP)
AP Statistics (AP)
Physics (honors)
English Seminar (honors)
Advanced Vocal Ensemble</p>

<p>AP Scores:
Latin (Virgil): 5
Latin (Literature): 5
English (Literature): 4</p>

<p>My ECs:
Freshman Year -- Member of an out-of-school children's choir (President of my group, First section leader)
Sophomore Year -- school musical (main role)
Sophomore to Senior Year -- Private Solo Voice lessons
Junior Year-- Accepted to ACDA National High school Honors Choir, which is a one-time thing (was first/only one from my school)
Freshman to Junior Year -- Leadership team at church
Senior Year -- Worship Leader and Coordinator for youth group, also on main worship team </p>

<p>Awards Etc:
Silver and then Gold Medal on National Latin Exam
AP Scholar
National Merit Semifinalist</p>

<p>I also had a job during the summer of junior year working as a research assistant at Rutgers University. Our 3-person team published an abstract to be presented March next year.</p>

<p>My interests are singing and science, and I focused on those in my essays, which I thought were fairly decent but not incredible.</p>

<p>Deferred from Stanford Early Action.</p>

<p>As you can see, I'm in pretty good shape but by no means really outstanding. My ECs are lacking, my SAT math is quite a bit below my other scores, I have no volunteer work aside from what I do at church, and my grades are going to have a downward slope. I'm applying to several top-tier private colleges, but because my chances of getting in are slim, I am curious about how likely it is that I will get into UC Berkeley, which is also one of my top choices, but has a slightly higher acceptance rate.</p>

<p>Go on, be brutal. >:] I'm not at all easily offended. Any tips for the rest of the year?</p>

<p>SAT or ACT?</p>

<p>Silly me! XD Edited post.</p>

<p>dude, you got good chances man.</p>

<p>you have similar stats as me.</p>

<p>Oh you. XD You're the similar-stats-as-me guy who actually has amazing stats which are usually much better. Go away.</p>

<p>Just kidding, just kidding! (Nobody report me please!) XD I only wish I had those stats! Unfortunately, I have my senior year grades to worry me. D: </p>

<p>But thanks. XD</p>


<p>UCB: Match</p>

<p>Thank you for your input!</p>

<p>UCB: Match</p>

<p>wait, i thought senior grades dont matter for UC Berkeley</p>