What are my chances at uc's?

hello, i would like to know my chances at uc schools. my dream school is ucla.

in-state female
UC GPA: 4.07 capped, 4.57 uncapped (3 b’s each in sophomore and junior year. very rigorous classes - 10 ap’s in these two grades alone.)
currently taking all ap’s
ELC in my school
SAT: 2300 (780 CR, 770 M, 750 W)
SAT II: math level 2 - 760, physics - 730
4’s and 5’s on 9 ap tests (didn’t take test for one class)
nmsf, national ap scholar

intended major: chemistry

i know that the uc’s are extremely competitive, but i am hoping that since chemistry is not a super popular major, it won’t be as hard to get in as cs, engineering, or business.

ec’s: i don’t want to be too specific, but well-rounded ec’s in many categories including foreign language, community service, cultural, music, related to my major, etc.

please chance me for ucb, ucla, ucsd, uci, ucd, and ucsb. once again, my intended major is chemistry (not impacted). gracias!

UCB // UCLA are Low Reaches, but they are reaches for all applicants
UCSD is a Match
UCI // UCD // UCSB are Low Matches

Best of Luck!

@uclahopefull thank you friend!

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12%- Low Reach-Reach
UCLA: 14%- Low Reach
UCSD: 39%- High Match- Match
UCSB: 49%- Match
UCD: 52%- Match
UCI: 57%- Match

Excellent test scores and GPA is on target. NMF definitely helpful. You are a competitive applicant but so are many of the UC’s. Good Luck.

@Gumbymom thank you :slight_smile: are the gpa ranges using uncapped or capped uc gpa, and do uc’s look at capped or uncapped?

The ranges posted is the capped/weighted UC GPA.

All UC’s will look at capped/weighted, but UCLA/UCB will also look at the Fully weighted UC GPA.

@Gumbymom wait, so none of the others excluding cal and la look at uncapped? does that mean it was a waste to have taken so many ap’s?

No, not a waste since it shows HS course rigor and you will get college credit. Learning is never a waste.

@Gumbymom good point. thank you!

I think you’ve got a really good shot. I’m sure you expect to get in to all ucs but la and berkeley, which I think you will. Your sat is well at or above what they’re looking for, although your capped and weighted gpa is maybe a little bit under what they’re looking for. You’ve also got the girl in STEM hook, which may boost you a little? Not sure. I’d guess you’ll get into at least one of berkeley or la, if not both. Good luck.

@Plumbus Ok, thank you! yeah the capped is a bit low, but i’m hoping the rigor and the uncapped will make up for it