What are my chances for boarding school? (Reapplying to 9th grade)

Hello Ameridad,
Thanks for commenting again, I really appreciate it. I’m planning on submitting violin recordings and like all the stuff thats really necessary for the application. For my swimming things I’ve swam a couple events and their official. I’m doing ok but not like insane insane like the kids at the boarding school, I’m still a bit slower than them by like 2-3 seconds so I’ll juggle around whether I’ll talk about it during my interview, etc.

Sorry for sounding a bit arrogant. Not trying to mean it that way but I’m trying to emphasize things that I’ve pretty happy that I accomplished. I’ll switch up the wording for the real application. Thanks for telling me about that.

The real reason I really want to get into these boarding schools are because I want to form meaningful bonds with the other students who attend. I’ve been moving around state after state and one time even countries. Because of that I don’t hold any meaningful relationships for over 3 years. So like basically what I’m trying to say is that I want join boarding school not only to improve academically and my other ecs but to join it to form a bond with others and make a community which I couldn’t do in my past few years.

Thanks for commenting again :slightly_smiling_face:

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